May 2017 Archives by date
Starting: Mon May 1 09:14:33 PDT 2017
Ending: Wed May 31 23:33:49 PDT 2017
Messages: 638
- [Leica] [OM] Nathan's PAD 30/4/2017: clouds on two wheels
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] Nathan's PAD 30/4/2017: clouds on two wheels
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] Nathan's PAD 30/4/2017: clouds on two wheels
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] The Flowers in Amsterdam
Leo Wesson
- [Leica] IMGs: East of the clinic
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Healing Rose
Douglas Barry
- [Leica] IMGs: East of the clinic
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Rhododendrons blooming here too.
lrzeitlin at
- [Leica] IMG: Rhododendrons blooming here too.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] The Flowers in Amsterdam
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Any opinions from users of sling type camera bags?
Oliver Bryk
- [Leica] IMG: Coach Pitch
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
John McMaster
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
Leo Wesson
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMG: The Old Way
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
Tina Manley
- [Leica] URL: USA freelance rates
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] IMG: Cloudy Day Lighting
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] The Flowers in Amsterdam
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Healing Rose
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Cloudy Day Lighting
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: The Old Way
Douglas Barry
- [Leica] IMG: The Old Way
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 21/4/2017: morning walk in Copenhagen
Douglas Barry
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 21/4/2017: morning walk in Copenhagen
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Seitz Park in South Bend, Indiana
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Tina Manley
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Tulip Poplar Bloom with Visitor
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Plagarism
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Plagarism
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Have 1400 spare 8 x 10 sheets Kodak AZO paper FS Trade
Mark Kronquist
- [Leica] IMG: a hike in the mountains
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] FS: Zeiss ZM 85/2 $2550
Richard Man
- [Leica] FS: Nikon LS-9000 Medium Format Scanner, $2500
Richard Man
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] IMG: a hike in the mountains
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] FS: Leica M9 Body, $2400
Paul Roark
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Richard Man
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Leo Wesson
- [Leica] Schoolhouse in Merriam, Indiana
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Leo Wesson
- [Leica] Selling for the S
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Selling for the S
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 17: from Copenhagen to Alicante
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Richard Man
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 17: from Copenhagen to Alicante
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 17: from Copenhagen to Alicante
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-16
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-16
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-16
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 17: from Copenhagen to Alicante
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Fwd: Re: Selling for the SL
Frank Filippone
- [Leica] IMG: Sunday Morning Dining
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: The Old Way
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: The Old Way
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Fwd: Re: Selling for the SL
Richard Man
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: The Old Way
Dennis Kushner
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: The Old Way
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Bernard Quinn
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Rameshwaram and Dhanushkodi
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-16
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Le Midi PAW 15
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Unwanted. Unrequited.
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Hanging out with daffodils
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Hanging out with daffodils
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Hanging out with daffodils
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Hanging out with daffodils
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Hanging out with daffodils
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 16: Copenhagen people and art
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: First Rhododendron Blooms of the Year
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Fwd: Re: Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Fwd: Re: Selling for the SL
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Fwd: Re: Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Adam Bridge
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Le Midi PAW 18
John McMaster
- [Leica] Le Midi PAW 15
John McMaster
- [Leica] IMG: New Year's Eve Celebration, 2000
Tina Manley
- [Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage
Adam Bridge
- [Leica] Totally off topic - shipping heavy items overseas
Adam Bridge
- [Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Totally off topic - shipping heavy items overseas
Tina Manley
- [Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage
Douglas Barry
- [Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] S and SL in use
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] S and SL in use
Frank Filippone
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Voigtlander 15mm & 35mm f/1.7, M mount - initial impressions
Paul Roark
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Paul Roark
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: A Higher Bloom
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Douglas Barry
- [Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage
Spencer Cheng
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMGs: Fascinated by the Look of Stuff
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Fascinated by the Look of Stuff
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Le Midi PAW 18
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] 1956 Ford F-250 Pickup Truck
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Joseph Low
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
chris williams
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Joseph Low
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Le Midi PAW 18
John McMaster
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] S and SL in use
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
- [Leica] IMGs: Fascinated by the Look of Stuff
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMG: Inspired by George L.
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's chives
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's chives
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Young Baseball Fan
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's chives
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Friday Flower Surprise
- [Leica] Friday Flower Surprise
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Late Afternoon at the Airport
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] S and SL in use
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Selling for the SL
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 19
John McMaster
- [Leica] IMG: New Year's Eve Celebration, 2000
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Late Afternoon at the Airport
- [Leica] Very interesting for film users
- [Leica] IMG: Late Afternoon at the Airport
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGs: Fascinated by the Look of Stuff
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Waiting. East of the clinic… again…
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGS: Red and pets
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's chives
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMGS: Red and pets
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGS: Red and pets
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 18: work and cycling
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Young Baseball Fan
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Waiting. East of the clinicŠ againŠ
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] IMG: Misplaced?
Peter Klein
- [Leica] IMG: Magnolia Drama
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 18: work and cycling
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Happy Mothers' Day!
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
- [Leica] IMG: Magnolia Drama
- [Leica] Mylapore
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Young Baseball Fan
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: More Magnolias
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: More Magnolias
Jim Hemenway
- [Leica] IMG: More Magnolias
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 19
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Late Afternoon at the Airport
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Late Afternoon at the Airport
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 19
John McMaster
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ted Grant
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tina Manley
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert Baron
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Leica M9, M9-P, M Monochrom and M-E sensor replacement program
John McMaster
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gene Duprey
Ted Grant
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Tina Manley
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve Barbour
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan Ryan
- [Leica] My Entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT=THE COLOUR RED!
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- [Leica] IMGs: Waiting. East of the clinicŠ againŠ
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan Khong
Robert Baron
Roger Rubin
- [Leica] Film Lab
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Film Lab
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] Film Lab
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED! - Red's, Clarksdale, Mississippi
Susan Ryan
- [Leica] Film Lab
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] Film Lab
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Something red for Dr. Ted
Michael Gardner
- [Leica] IMG: Last of the cherry blossums
Peter Klein
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Peter Klein
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] IMG: Last of the cherry blossums
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Dan Khong
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
- [Leica] My Entry for Dr. Ted's assignment = RED
- [Leica] Dr Ted OC assignment RED
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Dr Ted OC assignment RED
- [Leica] My entry to Dr Ted's assignment - RED
John Beeching
- [Leica] My Entry for Dr. Ted's assignment = RED
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Last of the cherry blossums
Bernard Quinn
- [Leica] My Entry for Dr. Ted's assignment = RED
Lluis Ripoll
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Tina Manley
- [Leica] 1989 tent meeting
- [Leica] 1989 tent meeting
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMGs: Ted Grant Assignment: Red
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Battery Charger Connections
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Tina's battery charging conundrum
Frank Verizon 2 2016
- [Leica] Tina's battery charging conundrum
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Tina's battery charging conundrum
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] Tina's battery charging conundrum
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Magnolia Drama
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Waiting. East of the clinic… again…
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] RED for Dr. Ted
Oliver Bryk
- [Leica] Film Lab
Lew Schwartz
- [Leica] IMG: seeing red for Ted
Adam Bridge
- [Leica] IMG: Support Group
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Tina's battery charging conundrum
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] 1989 tent meeting
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Ted Grant Assignment: Red
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] 1989 tent meeting
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] RED for TED
Doug Herr
- [Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Peter Dzwig
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Peter Dzwig
- [Leica] Astronomical images from Australia
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] Parry's and Georgetown
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Bernard Degaute
- [Leica] #1 RED ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Support Group
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: Support Group
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Atlanta Bound
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] #1 RED ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!
Steve Barbour
- [Leica] RED FOR TED
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] red
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] red
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] red
Dan Khong
- [Leica] red
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] red
- [Leica] Red for Ted
Gene Duprey
- [Leica] End of the Day Landscape
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] red
Dan Khong
- [Leica] red
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
- [Leica] IMG: Sideline Shots
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] Friday Flowers
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.20
- [Leica] Friday Flowers
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.20
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers
Sonny Carter
Bill Clough
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] More Friday Flower Surprises - Aram
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday: Iris…
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.20
Jayanand Govindaraj
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday: Iris…
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday: Iris…
George Lottermoser
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] More Friday Flower Surprises - Aram
Jim Nichols
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday: Iris…
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers
Ted Grant
Ted Grant
- [Leica] More Friday Flower Surprises - Aram
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower, Jim N
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower, Jim N
Stephen Barbour
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower, Jim N
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] RED FOR TED
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower
al crouch
- [Leica] red
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Sideline Shots
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Sideline Shots
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] More Friday Flower Surprises - Aram
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Spencer Cheng
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Portable Power Supply
Spencer Cheng
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower
- [Leica] #1 RED ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!!!
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Dr. Teds call for red
al crouch
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 17/5/2017: channelling Geoff
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 19: cycling, eating and drinking
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 19: cycling, eating and drinking
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] A few oldies from Fitness Fest Major
Greg Rubenstein
- [Leica] Must proofread better . . .
Greg Rubenstein
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-20
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-20
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 19: cycling, eating and drinking
Ted Grant
- [Leica] A few oldies from Fitness Fest Major
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] RED FOR TED
Robert Adler
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Robert Adler
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Robert Baron
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Robert Adler
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Ken Carney
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Scott Gregory
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Bernard Quinn
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 19: cycling, eating and drinking
Robert Baron
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-20
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Health Update
Gerry Walden
- [Leica] PESO 05 22 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] PESO 05 22 17
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Health Update
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Another Red for Ted
Peter Klein
Ted Grant
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Dr Ted OC Challenge 2 Motion
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] To UNCLE TED #2 - "MOTION"
Dan Khong
- [Leica] To UNCLE TED #2 - "MOTION"
Peter Dzwig
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Health Update
Howard L Ritter Jr
- [Leica] IMG: Action for Dr. Ted
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Action for Dr. Ted
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
- [Leica] Health Update
Nathan Wajsman
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Health Update
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Peter Dzwig
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: Dr. Teds call for MOTION
al crouch
- [Leica] IMG: Dr. Teds call for MOTION
Ted Grant
- [Leica] Ted's Challenge # 2 - Motion
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] PESO 05 23 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] Ted's Challenge # 2 - Motion
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] PESO 05 23 17
Ted Grant
- [Leica] Ted's MOTION challenge
Doug Herr
- [Leica] Ted's challange: MOTION
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Manchester
- [Leica] Manchester
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Ted's Challenge # 2 - Motion
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Ted's MOTION Challange
Matthew B. Filippini
George Lottermoser
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMGs: Sadness
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Sadness
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Nathan Wajsman
Susan Ryan
Dan Khong
- [Leica] For Ted's Movement assignment
- [Leica] For Ted's Movement assignment
Dan Khong
- [Leica] A few pictures
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] For Ted's Movement assignment
- [Leica] For Ted's Movement assignment
Geoff Hopkinson
Ted Grant
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
- [Leica] For Ted's Movement assignment
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
Jayanand Govindaraj
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] IMGs: Sadness
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] Ted's MOTION Challange
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-20
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Sadness
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Sadness
Ted Grant
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
- [Leica] A few pictures
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Ted's challange: MOTION
Peter Dzwig
Sonny Carter
Ted Grant
- [Leica] MOTION ASSIG. TIPS????????????
Ted Grant
- [Leica] MOTION ASSIG. TIPS????????????
Stephen Barbour
- [Leica] MOTION ASSIG. TIPS????????????
Robert Baron
- [Leica] MOTION ASSIG. TIPS????????????
- [Leica] MOTION ASSIG. TIPS????????????
Ted Grant
- [Leica] Ted's motion assignment
photo.forrest1 at
- [Leica] A few pictures
Peter Dzwig
- [Leica] A few pictures
Lluis Ripoll
- [Leica] A few pictures
Lluis Ripoll
- [Leica] Rural Northwest Allen County Evening
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] Comparative Review
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Comparative Review
Dan Khong
- [Leica] IMG: "Smokin"
- [Leica] IMG: "Smokin"
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
- [Leica] HUH?
Bill Clough
- [Leica] HUH?
- [Leica] Gerhard Steidl in The NYer
Phil Swango
- [Leica] Comparative Review
Mark Rabiner
- [Leica] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Gerhard Steidl in The NYer
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
- [Leica] HUH?
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Douglas Sharp
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Douglas Sharp
- [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Friday Flowers - Aram
- [Leica] Congratulations, Dr. Ted!
Oliver Bryk
- [Leica] FS Friday
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's Chives
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Mark Rabiner
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's Chives
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's Chives
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Mark Rabiner
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Mark Rabiner
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Luxury Speedster
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] HUH?
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: "Smokin"
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
- [Leica] IMG: An Experiment
Ted Grant
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 20: work, but in a pleasant way
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.21
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 20: work, but in a pleasant way
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 20: work, but in a pleasant way
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.21
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Yosemite BB (Before Bob)
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 20: work, but in a pleasant way
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: "Smokin"
Alan Magayne-Roshak
- [Leica] Congratulations, Dr. Ted!
Dan Khong
- [Leica] Subject: Congratulations, Dr. Ted!
Tuulikki Abrahamson
- [Leica] Life Without Art
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] IMGs: Friday's Chives
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Ric Friday Flowers.2017.21
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Yosemite BB (Before Bob)
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 20: work, but in a pleasant way
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: An Experiment
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] PESO 05 23 17
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] PESO 05 24 17
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Subject: Congratulations, Dr. Ted!
Dan Khong
- [Leica] A few pictures
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Subject: Congratulations, Dr. Ted!
- [Leica] A few pictures
- [Leica] Comparative Review
Tina Manley
- [Leica] Comparative Review
Dan Khong
- [Leica] A few pictures
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: An Experiment
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: More Baseball
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ted's Assignment # 2 - Motion
Robert Baron
- [Leica] Ted's Assignment # 2 - Motion
Mark Rabiner
- [Leica] Comparative Review
John Lee
- [Leica] Ted
Stephen Barbour
- [Leica] Ted
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 26/5 and 28/5: good food
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] For Ted - MOTION
John Beeching
- [Leica] Ted's assignment #2 - Motion
Bernard Degaute
- [Leica] HUH?
Susan Ryan
- [Leica] A few pictures
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
Dan Khong
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Bernard Quinn
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 26/5 and 28/5: good food
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Stephen Barbour
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] PESO 05 29 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
John Lee
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: More Baseball
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: Luxury Speedster
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] IMG: More Baseball
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] I want to be arrested by the Barcelona Police
- [Leica] Sunday Breakfast
- [Leica] Yosemite BB (Before Bob)
Bob Adler
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 20 and 21
John McMaster
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 20 and 21
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 20 and 21
John McMaster
- [Leica] IMG: For Bird Feeder Enthusiasts
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Ted Grant
- [Leica] Ted's motion assignment - my contribution
Ken Carney
- [Leica] IMG: For Bird Feeder Enthusiasts
- [Leica] IMG: For Bird Feeder Enthusiasts
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] For Ted - MOTION
Susan Ryan
- [Leica] Ted
Peter Dzwig
- [Leica] PESO 05 29 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] PESO 05 29 17
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Yosemite BB (Before Bob)
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Ted Grant
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 28/5/2017: morning cat
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Nathan's PAD 28/5/2017: morning cat
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Dan Khong
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Douglas Sharp
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Douglas Sharp
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMGs: Getting reacquainted…
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Getting reacquainted…
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Sonny Carter
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Douglas Sharp
- [Leica] IMGs: Getting reacquainted…
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] #3 ASSIGNMENT "WATER: as in flowing?"
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Ted's motion assignment - my contribution
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] IMGs: Getting reacquainted…
Philippe Amard
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Robert Baron
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] Nathan's PAD 26/5 and 28/5: good food
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Airport Color
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] PESO 05 30 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 20 and 21
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] PESO 05 30 17
Philippe Amard
- [Leica] Highlands PAW 20 and 21
John McMaster
- [Leica] PESO 05 30 17
Jim Shulman
- [Leica] RicC PAW-2017-19
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] SL FW 3.0
Doug Herr
- [Leica] SL FW 3.0
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] SL FW 3.0
Robert Adler
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Robert Adler
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Robert Baron
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Another Late Ball Game
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Tina Manley
- [Leica] IMG: Slow Flow
- [Leica] IMG: Slow Flow
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] Silver Efex Pro Obituary
Robert Baron
- [Leica] IMG: Slow Flow
George Lottermoser
- [Leica] Small Town Strip Club
Christopher Crawford
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
- [Leica] SL FW 3.0
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] IMG: Slow Flow
Geoff Hopkinson
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] IMG: Slow Flow
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] The kid and the accordionist
Bill Pearce
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 21: wine, cycling, work and golf
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 21: wine, cycling, work and golf
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] Small Town Strip Club
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] PESO 05 29 17
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Yosemite BB (Before Bob)
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: For Bird Feeder Enthusiasts
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMGs: Getting reacquainted…
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Airport Color
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] Sunday Shot
Nathan Wajsman
- [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 21: wine, cycling, work and golf
Jayanand Govindaraj
- [Leica] IMG: Airport Color
Jim Nichols
- [Leica] [OM] Small Town Strip Club
Christopher Crawford
Last message date:
Wed May 31 23:33:49 PDT 2017
Archived on: Wed May 31 23:34:03 PDT 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).