[Leica] IMG: Sideline Shots

Jim Nichols jhnichols at lighttube.net
Thu May 18 19:01:02 PDT 2017

As I continue to take in ball games with my family, I keep experimenting 
with different approaches to handling the wire fence.  Sitting in my 
folding chair, I'm about 3 ft from the wire.  As the sun got lower, I 
opened up to f/2.0, focused at about 30 ft.  I was surprised that it 
worked pretty well.  A 43mm ND filter would be a nice addition.  Looks 
like there are some on Ebay.


As to photos of others on the sideline, I'm more comfortable 
photographing babies than babes, but here's a sideline Mom from today.


Both can be viewed LARGE.

Comments and critiques welcomed and appreciated.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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