[Leica] My entry in Dr Ted's ASSIGNMENT= THE COLOUR RED!
Bernard Degaute
bernard.degaute at skynet.be
Wed May 17 08:55:56 PDT 2017
Hello Ted
I'm very happy to notice that you are still full of ideas and projects .You
probably don't remember me because my last mail was yearssssss ago but your
advises are always in my mind and your books (e.g. "This is our work" of
course) are a source of inspiration and a model of quality to reach.
So at the approach of your birthday, these red lights
(http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Leica2017_/Red+Lights.jpg.html) are for
you; there are dim but no problem with a nocti !
PS : I take advantage of this mail to greet the crew, specially Lluis (great
street photographer), Nathan and Philippe (Amard, bien sur).
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