[Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Nichols
jhnichols at lighttube.net
Sun May 14 16:52:44 PDT 2017
Hi Ted,
I've been wondering about you since we last corresponded. Sounds like
you made a good move. Let them help you as much as they can!
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 5/14/2017 5:15 PM, Ted Grant wrote:
> Howdy Crew,
> OK here's life today?
> I unfortunately have had a bit of a health situation for sometime which had
> me somewhat incapacitated on and off over the past couple of years.
> I could sit at the computer for about 15 minutes sometimes . Then physically
> become incapacitated and not able to walk back to my bed without a walker or
> anyplace else!
> Oh I'm not cured by any means, but a move from my home to a seniors home
> location last week where basically everything is being tended to. Most
> important a super physical training programme and fabulous meals everyday.
> "MORE WOMEN" than men! And Pray that I can rebuild my body, back and legs to
> how wonderful they were on my 80th birthday May 27 2009 and I could nip
> through 100 sit-ups without blink of eye! :-) What the heck it was a piece
> cake! :-)
> Now here we are to 27 May 2017 and I'm hitting 88 years on that birthday
> day! :-) That's it! Old in numbers! PHYSICAL ABILITIES?
> HOWEVER?? I'm still going to kick ass!! PROBABLY MY OWN FIRST AND HARDEST!
> :-)
> My response as I look at my world today??????
> SCREW-IT! :-) No I'm not ready to lie down and die
> YET!
> There are so many photo experiences since my first front page published
> newspaper photo, 17 Sept 1951 and published ever since in books, magazines
> and photo exhibitions! I hopefully can pass on to many younger folks a bit
> of photo tips!
> Not sure how we can do this? Maybe a "photo a week" with a designated theme
> or subject for those who wish to give it a try??????????
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks crew as I hope this idea will keep me physically and mentally active
> and alive to my 100th birthday? What the hell you gotta give it a try! :-)
> cheers everyone it's only 2 more years to the big 100!!!! :-)
> Dr. Ted Grant O.C.
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