[Leica] OT: how to store a laptop in luggage

Tina Manley tmanley at gmail.com
Tue May 9 15:25:50 PDT 2017

I've asked the same thing.  I'm leaving for Lebanon and Syria in less than
two weeks.  I have to carry cameras, laptops, etc.  So far, the advice is
to carry on board if at all possible.  If not, have lots of good
insurance!!  Of course insurance won't do me any good if I end up there
with no cameras or computers.

The airlines will not cover any expensive items in checked luggage.

What a mess!!  I guess I'll use my iPhone :-(  If they allow that!


On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 6:21 PM, Adam Bridge <abridge at mac.com> wrote:

> It’s looking like our wonderful Department of Homeland Security is about
> to require us to store laptops in checked luggage on flights from the UK
> and possibly Europe.
> Any thoughts on how to keep these things from being stolen?
> The “TSA approved locks” have readily available 3D printer keys so it’s
> not like someone can’t just root through your luggage while handling your
> baggage.
> I’ve never thought of putting my cameras in the hold of an airplane. I’m
> queasy thinking of my laptop being down there.
> Thoughts? I’m really looking for a solution if this goes into effect. We
> have two trips to Europe planned for this summer/autumn.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Adam Bridge
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Tina Manley

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