[Leica] AN UPDATER FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Howard L Ritter Jr hlritter at twc.com
Mon May 15 06:40:42 PDT 2017

A photo a week? I like it! Can you start with your very first one, from 66 years ago? And we should all post our favorite photos OF you, Dr Ted!

In any case, take strength from the fact that your sharp mind and wit are kicking all the ass your body can’t. It’s good to hear that you’re getting the assistance you need to make your life sail on as smoothly as possible. Remember that all of the friends, acquaintances, and admirers you’ve gained on the LUG, and who are proud to call themselves that, are with you in word and spirit, pulling for you.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rave, rave about the capture of the light.

(As I imagine Dylan Thomas might have written if he’d been talking about you!)

We love you, Dr Ted! Rave on! 


> On May 14, 2017, at 6:15 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at shaw.ca> wrote:
> Howdy Crew,
> OK here's life today?
> I unfortunately have had a bit of a health situation for sometime which had
> me somewhat incapacitated on and off over the past couple of years. 
> I could sit at the computer for about 15 minutes sometimes . Then physically
> become incapacitated and not able to walk back to my bed without a walker or
> anyplace else! 
> Oh I'm not cured by any means, but a move from my home to a seniors home
> location last week where basically everything is being tended to. Most
> important a super physical training programme and fabulous meals everyday.
> "MORE WOMEN" than men! And Pray that I can rebuild my body, back and legs to
> how wonderful they were on my 80th birthday May 27 2009 and I could nip
> through 100 sit-ups without blink of eye! :-) What the heck it was a piece
> cake! :-) 
> Now here we are to 27 May 2017 and I'm hitting 88 years on that birthday
> day! :-)  That's it! Old in numbers!  PHYSICAL ABILITIES? 
> HOWEVER?? I'm still  going to kick ass!! PROBABLY MY OWN FIRST AND HARDEST!
> :-) 
> My response as I look at my world today??????
> SCREW-IT! :-) No I'm not ready to lie down and die
> YET! 
> There are so many photo experiences since my first front page published
> newspaper photo, 17 Sept 1951 and published ever since in books, magazines
> and photo exhibitions! I hopefully can pass on to many younger folks a bit
> of photo tips! 
> Not sure how we can do this? Maybe a "photo a week" with a designated theme
> or subject for those who wish to give it a try??????????
> Any thoughts on this?
> Thanks crew as I hope this idea will keep me physically and mentally active
> and alive to my 100th birthday? What the hell you gotta give it a try! :-)
> cheers everyone it's only 2 more years to the big 100!!!! :-) 
> Dr. Ted Grant O.C.
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