[Leica] Yosemite Under Water
Bob Adler
rgacpa at gmail.com
Sun May 21 16:55:47 PDT 2017
Hi Geoff,
The water is turning into a real problem now. Most likely the towns in the eastern sierras (mown as the Owens Valley) will be flooded (from June Lake down to Lone Pine). The Army Corp of Engineers is clearing the very old and poorly maintained aqueduct to LA, but none of the local drainage infrastructure will fail from so much dead debris caused by so many years of drought.
The Truckee and June Lake area are beginning to experience this. The Owens Valley is a natural flood plain: doubtful that area will escape severe damage.
We stayed at the Yosemite View Lodge just outside the El Portal park entrance. The northern entrance was closed and the southern entrance is pretty far away (the Tanaya Lodge is there where you may have stayed).
We like the View Lodge because it's the closest place from which to enter the valley floor. 5 star prices for a 2.5 star room, but it's all about location...
Hope all's well with you, and thanks again.
Bob Adler
> On May 21, 2017, at 4:10 PM, Geoff Hopkinson <hopsternew at gmail.com> wrote:
> Those are amazing Bob. Beautiful work. So much water! Maybe I stayed at
> same place on the river just outside the park.
> Cheers
> Geoff
> http://www.pbase.com/hoppyman
>> On 22 May 2017 at 05:14, Robert Adler <rgacpa at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Jane and I spent 2 days in Yosemite 2 weeks ago before the crazy summer
>> influx of visitors. The water from this winter completely changed the park.
>> Water was EVERYWHERE! I actually was a bit worried that the huge volume
>> rushing down the Merced River had such force that it would undermine the
>> foundation of our hotel that was right on the river. The hotel did not
>> allow anyone to occupy the 1st floor.
>> At any rate the first 7 images are from this trip. Please click on the
>> larger image on the right to see it full screen. You can go to the next
>> screen sized image by clicking on to the right of the image.
>> http://www.robertadlerphotography.com/p133735760/h8b152cd9#h8b152cd9
>> Various cameras used: M240, M246, Alpa/Credo 50, and Sony RX100 IV.
>> C&C always welcome and appreciated.
>> Bob Adler
>> www.robertadlerphotography.com
>> *"Capturing Light One Frame At A Time"*
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