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LUG archive
for Vol 37 (Apr 2008 - ) page 14
This index contains 17250 posts.
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Ric Carter <ricc at>
Richard Clompus <rclompus at>
Richard Coutant <rhc3vt at>
Richard Endress <rendress at>
Richard Man <richard-lists at>
- (22 Apr 2008-20:39 GMT) Josephlux, or ... [was. RE: [Leica] Noctilux DOF Film vs. M8
- (30 Apr 2008-07:45 GMT) [Leica] Run, my good Doctor...
- (01 May 2008-00:14 GMT) [Leica] OT: Photo sites that handle print sales etc.
- (01 May 2008-19:12 GMT) [Leica] Re:OT: Photo sites that handle print sales etc.
- (04 May 2008-22:04 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Playing with high ISOs and Oly lenses.
- (05 May 2008-23:26 GMT) [Leica] OT: EOS 70-200L sharpness
- (05 May 2008-23:34 GMT) [Leica] Auctioning off the first production Leica M8
- (07 May 2008-22:00 GMT) [Leica] Leica R-10 at Photokina 2008
- (07 May 2008-22:14 GMT) [Leica] Leica R-10 at Photokina 2008
- (08 May 2008-06:50 GMT) [Leica] Leica R-10 at Photokina 2008
- (12 May 2008-09:09 GMT) [Leica] Orphan Works - . A MUST READ EVERYONE! :-( DON'T CRYLATER!YOU WERE WARNED!!!
- (15 May 2008-05:22 GMT) [Leica] Scary Stuff
- (15 May 2008-13:14 GMT) [Leica] Oh god, I found another KE-7A kit, far more economical, ...
- (15 May 2008-14:18 GMT) [Leica] Schneider & Kaufmann shattering news
- (15 May 2008-14:26 GMT) [Leica] Oh god, I found another KE-7A kit, far more economical, ...
- (15 May 2008-17:41 GMT) [Leica] IMG: After the Show...
- (18 May 2008-10:31 GMT) [Leica] Couple pics from a wedding shoot...
- (18 May 2008-22:46 GMT) [Leica] BOOTH GIRL
- (22 May 2008-20:01 GMT) [Leica] FS: HP 02 inks, 50%+ off
- (22 May 2008-23:45 GMT) [Leica] FS: 90/AA $1400
- (29 May 2008-05:13 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-06:30 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-20:19 GMT) [Leica] FS: 90/2 AA $1400
- (29 May 2008-23:39 GMT) [Leica] A lot of DMR attention
- (01 Jun 2008-21:50 GMT) [Leica] Have 35 'Lux, want 35/1.2 Nokton. Crazy?
- (09 Jun 2008-17:23 GMT) [Leica] FS: 90/2 AA $1400
- (09 Jun 2008-17:30 GMT) [Leica] My version of the May Wedding
- (10 Jun 2008-23:15 GMT) [Leica] IMG: One drawing, two reactions
- (17 Jun 2008-07:13 GMT) [Leica] What the World Eats
- (17 Jun 2008-08:14 GMT) [Leica] What the World Eats
- (18 Jun 2008-06:34 GMT) [Leica] Another LEICA story
- (19 Jun 2008-19:25 GMT) [Leica] "Budget" full frame Nikon SLR
- (19 Jun 2008-19:27 GMT) [Leica] Okay, completely OT - any dentists here?
- (23 Jun 2008-02:37 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Levitation
- (23 Jun 2008-22:08 GMT) [Leica] THIS IS SHEILA JOHNSON
- (24 Jun 2008-00:52 GMT) [Leica] IMG: OT Equip - Lime Kiln Park
- (30 Jun 2008-09:21 GMT) [Leica] IMG: California On Fire!
- (01 Jul 2008-03:04 GMT) [Leica] OT: New Nikon D700 full frame
- (01 Jul 2008-22:52 GMT) [Leica] OT: New Nikon D700 full frame
- (02 Jul 2008-07:28 GMT) [Leica] OT: New Nikon D700 full frame
- (04 Jul 2008-01:51 GMT) [Leica] July 4...
- (06 Jul 2008-01:20 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Waiting
- (07 Jul 2008-02:15 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Cypress Swamp In Summer
- (13 Jul 2008-21:33 GMT) [Leica] IMG: My State is Burning!
- (14 Jul 2008-22:28 GMT) [Leica] IMG: My State is Burning!
- (14 Jul 2008-23:22 GMT) [Leica] IMG: My State is Burning!
- (15 Jul 2008-20:00 GMT) [Leica] Lightroom question
- (15 Jul 2008-23:13 GMT) [Leica] I left my Leica on a train
- (18 Jul 2008-02:23 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (18 Jul 2008-02:44 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (18 Jul 2008-02:48 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (18 Jul 2008-03:25 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (19 Jul 2008-00:35 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (21 Jul 2008-06:05 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (31 Jul 2008-23:08 GMT) [Leica] announcement
- (01 Aug 2008-05:01 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Van Halen
- (02 Aug 2008-06:41 GMT) [Leica] Touring Arches National Park?
- (05 Aug 2008-07:20 GMT) [Leica] A mini-digital M (!)?
- (08 Aug 2008-04:34 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Sunset view from the Berkeley Marina
- (15 Aug 2008-23:19 GMT) [Leica] FS: Complete Hasselblad Xpan II 3-lens kit
- (17 Aug 2008-19:42 GMT) [Leica] New project released
- (17 Aug 2008-21:34 GMT) Finding things in LR2, was: Re: [Leica] Is Lightroom 2.0 Really Shipping?
- (18 Aug 2008-05:21 GMT) Finding things in LR2, was: Re: [Leica] Is Lightroom 2.0 Really Shipping?
- (18 Aug 2008-22:44 GMT) [Leica] IMG: That's a 8.2 Cannon Ball
- (18 Aug 2008-23:26 GMT) [Leica] IMG: That's a 8.2 Cannon Ball
- (19 Aug 2008-02:21 GMT) [Leica] E3 question: using L lenses
- (28 Aug 2008-20:05 GMT) [Leica] M8 sensor cleaning
- (06 Sep 2008-00:24 GMT) [Leica] filter for an earlier 50/2 R lens?
- (06 Sep 2008-01:56 GMT) [Leica] filter for an earlier 50/2 R lens?
- (11 Sep 2008-08:12 GMT) [Leica] Surprises at Photokina
- (12 Sep 2008-19:19 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Fair Diana
- (13 Sep 2008-01:15 GMT) [Leica] First Micro 4:3 camera
- (13 Sep 2008-06:10 GMT) [Leica] First Micro 4:3 camera
- (13 Sep 2008-09:48 GMT) [Leica] Pictures from a RF coupled Summicron 50 R on the Xpan
- (16 Sep 2008-23:13 GMT) [Leica] Full Frame Digital M
- (16 Sep 2008-23:25 GMT) [Leica] Pictures from a RF coupled Summicron 50 R on the Xpan
- (17 Sep 2008-22:05 GMT) [Leica] Re: Any rumours of Leica merging with Canon?
- (17 Sep 2008-22:25 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Iran
- (19 Sep 2008-06:38 GMT) [Leica] M8 Auto ISO instruction
- (24 Sep 2008-21:29 GMT) [Leica] August 2009 for the S2????
- (25 Sep 2008-02:29 GMT) [Leica] August 2009 for the S2????
- (25 Sep 2008-07:28 GMT) [Leica] used M8 prices and the US economy...
- (16 Oct 2008-19:47 GMT) [Leica] FS: 90/2 AA and VC 28/1.9
- (18 Oct 2008-13:44 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Precipice
- (21 Oct 2008-02:49 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Need room to grow
- (24 Oct 2008-03:56 GMT) [Leica] Prices lowered! FS: 90/2 AA and VC 28/1.9
- (24 Oct 2008-17:38 GMT) [Leica] Prices lowered! FS: 90/2 AA
Richard S. Taylor <r.s.taylor_post at>
- (21 Jul 2008-23:17 GMT) [Leica] test of new address
- (23 Jul 2008-02:50 GMT) Gallery down? [was Re: [Leica] Test]
- (28 Jul 2008-02:14 GMT) [Leica] Gorgeous Sailing Weather; Great Boat
- (29 Jul 2008-01:43 GMT) [Leica] Which is More Exciting? - Sailboat Shots
- (29 Jul 2008-01:54 GMT) [Leica] Gorgeous Sailing Weather; Great Boat -OT
- (29 Jul 2008-01:56 GMT) [Leica] Gorgeous Sailing Weather; Great Boat
- (30 Jul 2008-03:03 GMT) [Leica] Which is More Exciting? - Sailboat Shots
- (01 Aug 2008-02:09 GMT) [Leica] announcement
- (14 Aug 2008-00:43 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 13/08/08: our silver anniversary
- (17 Sep 2008-00:59 GMT) [Leica] WSJ Leica Article
- (25 Sep 2008-03:47 GMT) [Leica] NYLUG '08 snaps finally up
- (25 Sep 2008-15:18 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD - Cute Kids; Bright Color
- (25 Sep 2008-15:36 GMT) [Leica] will you ever buy another leica body?
- (25 Sep 2008-16:32 GMT) [Leica] will you ever buy another leica body?
- (26 Sep 2008-10:48 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #2 - Luxury Yacht "Magic"
- (26 Sep 2008-20:34 GMT) [Leica] Re: PAW 16 - Pittsfield MA. Hopper inspired
- (26 Sep 2008-20:36 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Night Softball
- (26 Sep 2008-20:40 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #2 - Luxury Yacht "Magic"
- (26 Sep 2008-20:42 GMT) [Leica] Friday Flowers SonC
- (26 Sep 2008-21:39 GMT) [Leica] EMERGENCY - Orphan Works is being HOTLINED today - Call your Reps and Senators NOW!!!
- (27 Sep 2008-13:24 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #3 - Skiffs
- (27 Sep 2008-22:58 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #3 - Skiffs
- (27 Sep 2008-23:05 GMT) [Leica] LFI Website Master shots
- (27 Sep 2008-23:08 GMT) [Leica] LFI Website Master shots
- (28 Sep 2008-12:53 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #4 - Nobska Light; Two Moods
- (29 Sep 2008-01:46 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #4 - Nobska Light; Two Moods
- (29 Sep 2008-01:49 GMT) [Leica] IMG : #177 & #178 Overstone Northamptonshire
- (29 Sep 2008-01:55 GMT) [Leica] IMG: New Gallery - Trains and lots of steam in BW
- (30 Sep 2008-13:40 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #5 - Leapin' Labrador
- (30 Sep 2008-13:48 GMT) [Leica] IMG: New gallery
- (30 Sep 2008-13:48 GMT) [Leica] August Picks
- (30 Sep 2008-13:48 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #4 - Nobska Light; Two Moods
- (30 Sep 2008-13:48 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD for 21-22/09: champagne and potatoes
- (30 Sep 2008-13:49 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #6 - Sheer Speed
- (01 Oct 2008-00:18 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #6 - Sheer Speed
- (01 Oct 2008-00:20 GMT) [Leica] IMG: One from Saturday
- (01 Oct 2008-00:22 GMT) [Leica] PESO: Church Now Serving
- (01 Oct 2008-00:30 GMT) [Leica] Masai Mara
- (01 Oct 2008-00:43 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 39: Alicante-Bath and back
- (01 Oct 2008-11:26 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #7 - Cormorants 1, 2 and 3
- (01 Oct 2008-11:30 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 39: Alicante-Bath and back
- (01 Oct 2008-22:19 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #7 - Correction, They're Ruddy Turnstones!
- (01 Oct 2008-23:48 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #7 - Correction, They're Ruddy T
- (01 Oct 2008-23:58 GMT) [Leica] Kate Chopin Fire
- (02 Oct 2008-00:01 GMT) [Leica] "Orphan" Update
- (02 Oct 2008-00:10 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #7 - Cormorants 1, 2 and 3
- (02 Oct 2008-02:33 GMT) Taking Pix from Inflatables and Repairmen [was Re: [Leica] BOATING PAD #7 - Cormorants 1, 2 and 3]
- (02 Oct 2008-02:34 GMT) [Leica] Le petit lapin
- (02 Oct 2008-02:42 GMT) [Leica] Last of September Pix
- (02 Oct 2008-11:30 GMT) [Leica] BOATIN PAD #8 - Going Ashore
- (03 Oct 2008-12:14 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #9 - Luxury Yacht #2 "Mystique"
- (03 Oct 2008-12:15 GMT) [Leica] BOATIN PAD #8 - Going Ashore
- (03 Oct 2008-12:20 GMT) [Leica] Masai Mara 2
- (04 Oct 2008-00:20 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #9 - Luxury Yacht #2 "Mystique"
- (04 Oct 2008-00:20 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #9 - Luxury Yacht #2 "Mystique"
- (04 Oct 2008-00:28 GMT) [Leica] Pick of holiday pics Whitby 2008
- (04 Oct 2008-00:30 GMT) [Leica] a few nice photos i've taken recently
- (04 Oct 2008-00:35 GMT) [Leica] amazing ariel photography
- (04 Oct 2008-13:00 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #10 = *New* England Has Puffy Clouds, Too
- (05 Oct 2008-12:36 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #11 - Thrills
- (06 Oct 2008-13:29 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 40: Alicante snippets again
- (06 Oct 2008-13:50 GMT) [Leica] IMG: re-worked cliffs near Poole
- (06 Oct 2008-17:49 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #12 - Powerboat/Bow On
- (07 Oct 2008-01:49 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #13 - Why Sailors Hate Power Boaters #2
- (07 Oct 2008-01:52 GMT) [Leica] Differents looks
- (07 Oct 2008-02:03 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 3/10/2008: an afternoon snack
- (07 Oct 2008-21:59 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #12 - Powerboat/Bow On
- (07 Oct 2008-22:05 GMT) Jumping Waterlife [was Re: [Leica] BOATING PAD #12 - Powerboat/Bow On]
- (08 Oct 2008-12:13 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #14 - Why Sailors Hate Power Boaters #3
- (09 Oct 2008-01:37 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #14 - Why Sailors Hate Power Boaters #3
- (09 Oct 2008-01:39 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #14 - Why Sailors Hate Power Boaters #3
- (09 Oct 2008-01:41 GMT) Jumping Waterlife [was Re: [Leica] BOATING PAD #12 - Powerboat/Bow On]
- (09 Oct 2008-01:50 GMT) [Leica] Kaffie Frederick's
- (09 Oct 2008-12:08 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #15 - An Old Boatyard
- (10 Oct 2008-00:07 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #14 - Why Sailors Hate Power Boaters #3
- (10 Oct 2008-00:16 GMT) [Leica] IMG: PAW 39 (ric)
- (10 Oct 2008-00:19 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 05/10/2008: small-town Spanish life
- (10 Oct 2008-12:40 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 16 - Gloom and Fog
- (11 Oct 2008-00:35 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 16 - Gloom and Fog
- (11 Oct 2008-00:38 GMT) [Leica] Friday Flower SonC
- (11 Oct 2008-00:44 GMT) [Leica] A few Maine pictures
- (13 Oct 2008-14:27 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PADS # 16, 17, & 18 - Hawaiian War Canoe (Sort of), Pump Surfboard, and Other Nautical Curiosities
- (16 Oct 2008-02:10 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 19 - Thunderstorm
- (16 Oct 2008-02:16 GMT) [Leica] MP question: ISO dial?
- (16 Oct 2008-02:16 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Lobsters!
- (16 Oct 2008-02:16 GMT) [Leica] Some images for you
- (16 Oct 2008-02:17 GMT) [Leica] PAW: Phx 40th - www
- (16 Oct 2008-02:17 GMT) [Leica] IMG story: Kokanee Slamon
- (16 Oct 2008-02:18 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Lobsters!
- (16 Oct 2008-02:25 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #20 - Luxury Yacht "007"
- (16 Oct 2008-12:11 GMT) [Leica] Leica MP with "Black ISO dial".... fact or fiction?
- (16 Oct 2008-12:31 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 21 - "Amycita" - A 1918 Glass Launch
- (17 Oct 2008-02:27 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 19 - Thunderstorm
- (17 Oct 2008-02:31 GMT) [Leica] TWO G10 IMAGES
- (17 Oct 2008-02:34 GMT) [Leica] IMG:More Fall Color; I Can't Stop!
- (17 Oct 2008-02:37 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 21 - "Amycita" - A 1918 Glass Launch
- (17 Oct 2008-02:41 GMT) Re: [Leica] Nathan's PAD 15/10/2008: a Madrid seƱorita
- (17 Oct 2008-02:43 GMT) [Leica] PESO: Ducks
- (17 Oct 2008-11:47 GMT) [Leica] IMG:More Fall Color; I Can't Stop!
- (17 Oct 2008-12:04 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 22 - More Luxury Powerboats: Something Old and Something New
- (18 Oct 2008-13:41 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 22 - More Luxury Powerboats: Something Oldand Something New
- (18 Oct 2008-13:41 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 19 - Thunderstorm
- (18 Oct 2008-13:44 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #23 - Traffic and Currents
- (19 Oct 2008-14:23 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 24 - Distracted
- (19 Oct 2008-14:27 GMT) [Leica] IMG: friday flowers, fall and stuff
- (19 Oct 2008-14:31 GMT) [Leica] PESO: Flea Market
- (19 Oct 2008-14:34 GMT) [Leica] some have parakeets
- (19 Oct 2008-19:17 GMT) [Leica] Ted Grant (photo by BD Colen)
- (19 Oct 2008-20:05 GMT) [Leica] LR question - I did something dumb
- (19 Oct 2008-23:22 GMT) [Leica] Rockport Seminar
- (20 Oct 2008-01:03 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 24 - Distracted
- (20 Oct 2008-12:41 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #25 - More Puffy Clouds
- (21 Oct 2008-01:17 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #25 - More Puffy Clouds
- (21 Oct 2008-01:19 GMT) [Leica] PESO: Gaining
- (21 Oct 2008-01:22 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Horned Grebe
- (21 Oct 2008-01:24 GMT) [Leica] little trip...
- (21 Oct 2008-12:40 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #26 - Ghost Ship
- (25 Oct 2008-14:55 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #29 - Maybe Too Close...
- (25 Oct 2008-15:04 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #28 - In Which Dory the Dog...
- (25 Oct 2008-15:06 GMT) [Leica] IMG: PAW 42 (ric)
- (26 Oct 2008-14:18 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #30 - A Literal Snapshot (Clouds)
- (26 Oct 2008-17:19 GMT) [Leica] ROCKPORT 2008 - People - and Some Thoughts on the Leica M3
- (27 Oct 2008-11:44 GMT) [Leica] ROCKPORT 2008 - People - and Some Thoughts on the Leica M3
- (27 Oct 2008-11:45 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #30 - A Literal Snapshot (Clouds)
- (27 Oct 2008-11:52 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #31 - "Hey Look..."
- (27 Oct 2008-11:55 GMT) [Leica] Panhandle--addendum
- (27 Oct 2008-11:58 GMT) [Leica] The end of the Summer
- (27 Oct 2008-23:31 GMT) [Leica] Meet Ian
- (27 Oct 2008-23:36 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 43: a whole bunch of stuff
- (27 Oct 2008-23:37 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Autumn Mist
- (27 Oct 2008-23:47 GMT) [Leica] I'm Back - Panos from Europe
- (27 Oct 2008-23:49 GMT) [Leica] IMG:Coastal Roaming
- (28 Oct 2008-12:37 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 32 - Seagull
- (29 Oct 2008-01:19 GMT) [Leica] (Was: some tests at 128, 000 asa) Now: from the bottom of the scale
- (29 Oct 2008-01:20 GMT) [Leica] ROCKPORT 2008 - People - and Some Thoughts on the M3
- (29 Oct 2008-01:25 GMT) [Leica] Photokina Dinner
- (29 Oct 2008-14:51 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #33 - Cormorants
- (30 Oct 2008-00:26 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #34 - "Bewitched" - The Last of This Series
- (30 Oct 2008-00:30 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #33 - Cormorants
- (30 Oct 2008-00:32 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #33 - Cormorants
- (30 Oct 2008-00:34 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Autumn Colors
- (30 Oct 2008-00:35 GMT) [Leica] [IMG] PAW 32 - Hands
- (31 Oct 2008-00:59 GMT) Mine's Messier, I Think... Re: [Leica] Nathan's PAD 26/10/2008: my kingdom
- (31 Oct 2008-01:59 GMT) [Leica] My new album Nature
- (31 Oct 2008-02:41 GMT) Mine's Messier, I Think... Re: [Leica] Nathan's PAD 26/10/2008: my kingdom
- (31 Oct 2008-02:43 GMT) [Leica] ... and Some Thoughts on the M3
Richard Taylor <r.s.taylor at>
- (23 Apr 2008-13:34 GMT) [Leica] Metrowest - Along the Sudbury River
- (23 Apr 2008-18:25 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (23 Apr 2008-19:53 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (23 Apr 2008-19:54 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (23 Apr 2008-19:57 GMT) [Leica] RE: How many M8s New List_4
- (23 Apr 2008-20:25 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (23 Apr 2008-20:26 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (24 Apr 2008-02:24 GMT) [Leica] Felling the Mighty Oak - 21st Century Style
- (24 Apr 2008-13:59 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: NYLUG '08: Colloquium/Meeting at ICP, in NYC, Saturday, June 7th
- (24 Apr 2008-14:19 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: NYLUG '08: Colloquium/Meeting at ICP, in NYC, Saturday, June 7th
- (25 Apr 2008-15:05 GMT) [Leica] Minuteman Homes
- (25 Apr 2008-15:26 GMT) roar lion roar (was Re: [Leica] RE: How many M8s + Noct's!)
- (25 Apr 2008-19:37 GMT) [Leica] The impact of climate change on the area around Harvard Square has been truly astounding!
- (25 Apr 2008-20:37 GMT) [Leica] The impact of climate change on the area around Harvard Square has been truly astounding!
- (27 Apr 2008-01:53 GMT) [Leica] Early Spring Sailing
- (29 Apr 2008-00:43 GMT) [Leica] Semana Santa Day Procession
- (29 Apr 2008-00:52 GMT) [Leica] Early Spring Sailing - And the One That Got Away
- (29 Apr 2008-00:59 GMT) [Leica] CENTRAL PARK SPRING
- (29 Apr 2008-01:01 GMT) [Leica] IMG: *WARNING - Cliche Photos*
- (29 Apr 2008-01:02 GMT) [Leica] a bright Sunday on the Pont des Arts...
- (29 Apr 2008-01:05 GMT) [Leica] Some views of the Zurich Cafe
- (29 Apr 2008-23:40 GMT) [Leica] Early Spring Sailing - And the One That Got Away
- (07 May 2008-17:03 GMT) [Leica] Orphan Works
- (08 May 2008-14:21 GMT) [Leica] Senior Solo
- (13 May 2008-21:17 GMT) [Leica] RE: Orphan Works - . A MUST READ EVERYONE! :-( DON'T CRYLATER
- (15 May 2008-16:49 GMT) [Leica] More Armed America
- (20 May 2008-14:38 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Water Taxi
- (20 May 2008-17:44 GMT) [Leica] "Little Orphan Artworks"
- (28 May 2008-00:55 GMT) [Leica] Roll Tacking & Oops!
- (28 May 2008-14:08 GMT) Sailing Stories [was Re: [Leica] Roll Tacking & Oops!]
- (28 May 2008-14:27 GMT) [Leica] CAUGHT IN... Repose
- (29 May 2008-15:54 GMT) [Leica] CAUGHT IN... Repose
- (30 May 2008-13:59 GMT) [Leica] There once was a man from Pawtucket
- (03 Jun 2008-20:24 GMT) [Leica] Results of May 2008 LUG Photo contest
- (09 Jun 2008-17:30 GMT) [Leica] NYLUG Meeting
- (11 Jun 2008-13:27 GMT) [Leica] NYLUG Meeting
- (13 Jun 2008-16:22 GMT) [Leica] Snapshots from NY LUG Meeting
- (17 Jun 2008-01:21 GMT) [Leica] Why Sailors Hate Powerboaters!
- (17 Jun 2008-01:38 GMT) [Leica] RAINY DAY/HAZY DAY ON THE WATER
- (17 Jun 2008-14:04 GMT) [Leica] Why Sailors Hate Powerboaters!
- (17 Jun 2008-14:11 GMT) [Leica] I found Graham's sheep!
- (17 Jun 2008-19:11 GMT) [Leica] Ireland and stuff2
- (18 Jun 2008-01:06 GMT) [Leica] RAINY DAY/HAZY DAY ON THE WATER
- (18 Jun 2008-02:37 GMT) Airliner Beauty [was Re: [Leica] RAINY DAY/HAZY DAY ON THE WATER]
- (18 Jun 2008-02:38 GMT) [Leica] RAINY DAY/HAZY DAY ON THE WATER
- (19 Jun 2008-02:33 GMT) [Leica] Okay, completely OT - any dentists here?
- (19 Jun 2008-13:44 GMT) [Leica] IMG : #115 Castlethorpe Northamptonshire
- (19 Jun 2008-14:32 GMT) [Leica] Okay, completely OT - any dentists here?
- (26 Jun 2008-14:42 GMT) [Leica] Ah! Back to the Great Filter Dispute!
- (26 Jun 2008-17:37 GMT) [Leica] Ah! Back to the Great Filter Dispute!
- (28 Jun 2008-22:40 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 25: Alicante to Bath and back
- (01 Jul 2008-01:52 GMT) Are UV Filters Needed for Proper Exposure on the Water? [was Re: [Leica] Ah! Back to the Great Filter Dispute!]
- (04 Jul 2008-02:55 GMT) [Leica] FOM2 ARRIVED! WOW, JO, CARAY!
- (04 Jul 2008-03:00 GMT) Are UV Filters Needed for Proper Exposure on the Water? [was Re: [Leica] Ah! Back to the Great Filter Dispute!]
- (10 Jul 2008-18:17 GMT) [Leica] Test
- (11 Jul 2008-03:25 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Broken Nose
- (11 Jul 2008-13:44 GMT) [Leica] I need witnesses
- (15 Jul 2008-23:33 GMT) [Leica] I left my Leica on a train
- (17 Jul 2008-18:02 GMT) [Leica] It's Crowded in Falmouth Harbor...
- (18 Jul 2008-02:44 GMT) [Leica] It's Crowded in Falmouth Harbor...
- (18 Jul 2008-02:51 GMT) [Leica] How to get an M8 for $3200...
- (19 Jul 2008-10:23 GMT) [Leica] Waiting Room
- (21 Jul 2008-02:27 GMT) [Leica] fridge weight Izzy
- (21 Jul 2008-03:40 GMT) [Leica] 'Twas a Foggy Day on the Cape Cod Canal
- (21 Jul 2008-22:30 GMT) [Leica] 'Twas a Foggy Day on the Cape Cod Canal
- (21 Jul 2008-22:32 GMT) [Leica] 'Twas a Foggy Day on the Cape Cod Canal
- (21 Jul 2008-22:39 GMT) [Leica] New additions
- (21 Jul 2008-22:42 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Nathan's PAW 29: babies, boobs, beach etc.
- (22 Oct 2008-21:45 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #26 - Pretty Boats
- (23 Oct 2008-10:51 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 27 - Two Cats
- (23 Oct 2008-20:11 GMT) [Leica] Rockport Pictures
- (23 Oct 2008-20:23 GMT) [Leica] Rockport Pictures
- (23 Oct 2008-20:50 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 27 - Two Cats
- (23 Oct 2008-20:51 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 23/10/2008: a sad piece of news
- (24 Oct 2008-02:14 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD # 27 - Two Cats
- (24 Oct 2008-17:38 GMT) [Leica] BOATING PAD #28 - In Which Dory the Dog...
Richard Wasserman <disfromage at> <rickfloyd at>
Rob McClure <rmcclure2 at>
Robert Beaudoin <bussbearm at>
Robert Browne <rbrowne1 at>
Robert Clark <rclark01 at>
Robert D. Baron <rbaron at>
Robert Meier <robertmeier at>
Robert Palmieri <rpalmier at>
Robert Rose <robert.rose at>
Robert Schneider <schneiderpix at>
rsphoto's email <rsphotoimages at>
S. Chatterjee <chatterjees at>
Sam Kennard <sam.kennard at>
sandy carter <sc-photo at>
Sanjay Nasta <sanjay at>
Scott Gregory <s_gregory1 at>
Seth Rosner <sethrosner at>
Siddho Gebhardt <siddho3 at>
simon jessurun <simon.apekop at>
- (05 May 2008-20:34 GMT) [Leica] caution Kidpic!
- (06 May 2008-19:02 GMT) [Leica] pixie in black and white
- (07 May 2008-07:00 GMT) [Leica] pixie in black and white
- (08 May 2008-21:18 GMT) [Leica] One more attempt to convertpixie to greyscale
- (09 May 2008-07:10 GMT) [Leica] One more attempt to convertpixie to greyscale
- (09 May 2008-08:52 GMT) [Leica] One more attempt to convertpixie to greyscale
- (15 May 2008-01:39 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic!
- (15 May 2008-21:58 GMT) [Leica] pushing the envelope question
- (15 May 2008-22:05 GMT) [Leica] My little vampire
- (15 May 2008-22:17 GMT) [Leica] pushing the envelope question
- (15 May 2008-22:18 GMT) [Leica] pushing the envelope question
- (15 May 2008-22:22 GMT) [Leica] pushing the envelope question
- (15 May 2008-23:00 GMT) [Leica] Schneider & Kaufmann shattering news
- (16 May 2008-15:18 GMT) [Leica] Telyt at diff.apert.and ISO's(pushing the envelope question)
- (16 May 2008-15:49 GMT) [Leica] pushing the envelope question
- (16 May 2008-18:46 GMT) [Leica] Telyt at diff.apert.and ISO's(pushing the envelope question)
- (16 May 2008-19:28 GMT) [Leica] I shot some angels
- (16 May 2008-22:14 GMT) [Leica] Telyt at diff.apert.and ISO's(pushing the envelopequestion)
- (17 May 2008-06:59 GMT) [Leica] 560 Telyt and M8 Shattering news
- (17 May 2008-07:54 GMT) [Leica] Lifeview and wide angle sharpness
- (17 May 2008-09:14 GMT) [Leica] Lifeview and wide angle sharpness
- (17 May 2008-11:52 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Playing with LR 2 and CS3 bride image
- (17 May 2008-12:53 GMT) [Leica] Weed
- (17 May 2008-17:08 GMT) [Leica] Lifeview and wide angle sharpness
- (17 May 2008-18:44 GMT) [Leica] OT: User comments sought on Win XP SP3
- (17 May 2008-18:46 GMT) [Leica] OT: User comments sought on Win XP SP3
- (17 May 2008-20:48 GMT) [Leica] Weed BEST VIEWED LARGE
- (17 May 2008-21:01 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 16 May: lens performance
- (17 May 2008-21:07 GMT) [Leica] Weed full frame
- (17 May 2008-21:18 GMT) [Leica] Weed BEST VIEWED LARGE
- (17 May 2008-21:25 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Playing with LR 2 and CS3 bride - correct link!
- (17 May 2008-21:28 GMT) [Leica] artifact question
- (17 May 2008-21:29 GMT) [Leica] artifact question URL
- (17 May 2008-21:35 GMT) [Leica] Lifeview and wide angle sharpness
- (17 May 2008-22:01 GMT) [Leica] artifact question
- (18 May 2008-08:10 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic
- (18 May 2008-08:11 GMT) [Leica] OT: User comments sought on Win XP SP3
- (18 May 2008-08:27 GMT) [Leica] 120 makro, ELX and CFV ! [IMG]
- (18 May 2008-08:31 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic
- (18 May 2008-09:27 GMT) [Leica] artifact question
- (18 May 2008-13:24 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Yosemite too... and Raw exposure for dynamic range
- (18 May 2008-13:26 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic
- (18 May 2008-14:30 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Profiles
- (18 May 2008-16:19 GMT) [Leica] Weed
- (18 May 2008-16:29 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic
- (20 May 2008-20:49 GMT) [Leica] kidpic print question
- (21 May 2008-06:21 GMT) [Leica] kidpic print question
- (21 May 2008-08:10 GMT) [Leica] kidpic print question
- (24 May 2008-12:29 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (24 May 2008-13:07 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (24 May 2008-15:40 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (24 May 2008-15:41 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (24 May 2008-18:38 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (25 May 2008-10:19 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (25 May 2008-11:28 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 24/05: unwelcome visitors / looking for poultry advice
- (25 May 2008-11:29 GMT) [Leica] Nathan's PAD 24/05: unwelcome visitors / looking for poultry advice
- (27 May 2008-06:04 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (27 May 2008-12:24 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (27 May 2008-12:26 GMT) [Leica] my house
- (27 May 2008-18:07 GMT) [Leica] my house
- (27 May 2008-18:43 GMT) [Leica] what ch'all missed by not riding with me in arizona
- (27 May 2008-18:48 GMT) [Leica] LOUSY LIGHT & MAKING IT WORK FOR YOU.. :-)
- (27 May 2008-18:56 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Another Look
- (27 May 2008-21:29 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Night Snacks
- (28 May 2008-20:23 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (28 May 2008-20:42 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (28 May 2008-21:10 GMT) [Leica] Cobra Replica kit parallel lines
- (28 May 2008-21:40 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-06:16 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-07:31 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-07:45 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-08:09 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question(caution multiple kidpic)
- (29 May 2008-08:10 GMT) [Leica] digital workflow question/ AntiTwin website
- (29 May 2008-12:36 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (29 May 2008-12:57 GMT) [Leica] Modified 560 Telyt
- (29 May 2008-13:58 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (29 May 2008-14:03 GMT) [Leica] Ducks, duck, ducks.
- (29 May 2008-14:09 GMT) [Leica] PAW : Phx's 22 - Lost in translation
- (29 May 2008-16:18 GMT) [Leica] telyt try
- (31 May 2008-12:16 GMT) [Leica] Radio upper air probe
- (31 May 2008-12:18 GMT) [Leica] Caution kidpic
- (31 May 2008-12:22 GMT) [Leica] Auto HDR -- is nobody paying attention?
- (31 May 2008-16:22 GMT) [Leica] Radio upper air probe
- (01 Jun 2008-04:44 GMT) [Leica] Radio upper air probe
- (01 Jun 2008-04:54 GMT) [Leica] tiny alien
- (03 Jun 2008-11:48 GMT) [Leica] FOM2 book Thanks Steve
- (03 Jun 2008-11:57 GMT) [Leica] 8 years in the making: here it is.
- (03 Jun 2008-11:58 GMT) [Leica] June contest theme???
- (03 Jun 2008-12:04 GMT) [Leica] Now they even bring chairs!
- (03 Jun 2008-12:10 GMT) [Leica] FOM2 book Thanks Steve
- (04 Jun 2008-05:52 GMT) [Leica] IMG : #106
- (04 Jun 2008-05:54 GMT) [Leica] Now they even bring chairs!
- (04 Jun 2008-23:09 GMT) [Leica] Now they even bring chairs!
- (04 Jun 2008-23:11 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Yellow-bellied Marmot
- (04 Jun 2008-23:17 GMT) [Leica] 8 Years in the making: here it is...
- (05 Jun 2008-17:26 GMT) [Leica] Now they even bring chairs!
- (05 Jun 2008-17:36 GMT) [Leica] Now I even get real PJ,s on my doorstep
- (06 Jun 2008-08:46 GMT) [Leica] Now I even get real PJ,s on my doorstep
- (09 Jun 2008-17:25 GMT) [Leica] Fighting evil in the back yard
- (10 Jun 2008-12:20 GMT) [Leica] grasshopper
- (02 Jul 2008-12:29 GMT) [Leica] caution kidpics
- (02 Jul 2008-16:33 GMT) [Leica] IMG : #127 (OT gear)
- (02 Jul 2008-16:44 GMT) [Leica] IMG : #127 (OT gear)
- (05 Jul 2008-12:29 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: caution kidpics
- (11 Jul 2008-09:43 GMT) [Leica] I CAN'T BELIEVE IT- BUT I AM REGRESSING!!
- (12 Jul 2008-05:44 GMT) [Leica] antarctic photos
- (17 Jul 2008-05:18 GMT) [Leica] 50 Meg Kodak sensor - Megapixel Overkill!!
- (20 Jul 2008-11:42 GMT) [Leica] Photos
- (20 Jul 2008-12:18 GMT) [Leica] Photos
- (20 Jul 2008-14:48 GMT) [Leica] Computer Help Needed: Deleted Files
- (20 Jul 2008-14:50 GMT) [Leica] Computer Help Needed: Deleted Files
- (25 Jul 2008-19:42 GMT) [Leica] Friday Flowers
- (26 Jul 2008-05:31 GMT) [Leica] More from Ireland
- (26 Jul 2008-06:09 GMT) [Leica] IMG flowers and kids
- (26 Jul 2008-17:54 GMT) [Leica] More from Ireland
- (26 Jul 2008-18:05 GMT) [Leica] school wedding pics
- (26 Jul 2008-18:06 GMT) [Leica] IMG flowers and kids
- (26 Jul 2008-18:43 GMT) [Leica] school wedding pics
- (26 Jul 2008-18:48 GMT) [Leica] school wedding pics
- (26 Jul 2008-20:44 GMT) [Leica] OT wood pellets for fuel
- (26 Jul 2008-20:50 GMT) [Leica] school wedding pics
- (26 Jul 2008-20:55 GMT) [Leica] question about program running in background
- (26 Jul 2008-21:19 GMT) [Leica] question about program running in background
- (27 Jul 2008-08:17 GMT) [Leica] OT wood pellets for fuel
- (27 Jul 2008-14:46 GMT) [Leica] IMG model is not amused
- (27 Jul 2008-16:22 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: IMG model is not amused
- (28 Jul 2008-07:01 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: IMG model is not amused
- (28 Jul 2008-07:43 GMT) [Leica] Eyes, feet, or fruit
- (28 Jul 2008-08:16 GMT) [Leica] Eyes, feet, or fruit
- (28 Jul 2008-12:29 GMT) [Leica] Fwd: IMG model is not amused
- (28 Jul 2008-13:16 GMT) [Leica] Warning full monty
- (30 Jul 2008-07:59 GMT) [Leica] Lightroom 2 - What floats my Boat
- (30 Jul 2008-08:00 GMT) [Leica] Warning full monty
- (16 Aug 2008-17:14 GMT) [Leica] IMG: Classic plane - Ju 52
- (29 Aug 2008-06:57 GMT) [Leica] GPS Units
- (04 Sep 2008-20:06 GMT) [Leica] USSR suitcase enlarger
- (23 Sep 2008-21:11 GMT) [Leica] F 0.95 wow
- (25 Sep 2008-09:49 GMT) [Leica] 7 candles
- (25 Sep 2008-16:09 GMT) [Leica] a serious question
- (25 Sep 2008-16:55 GMT) [Leica] will you ever buy another leica body?
- (10 Oct 2008-00:03 GMT) [Leica] October contest, M6 on Kalverstraat?
- (16 Oct 2008-02:12 GMT) [Leica] OT: modern pocket watch?
- (16 Oct 2008-02:21 GMT) [Leica] OT: modern pocket watch?
- (28 Oct 2008-14:20 GMT) [Leica] was euro . now prius
Simon P-J <simonpj at>
slobodan dimitrov <s.dimitrov at> <SonC.HEGR at>
Sonny Carter <sonc.hegr at>
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