Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2024/08/19

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Subject: [Leica] Capture One - the road less followed?
From: imra at (Douglas Barry)
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 01:02:31 +0100
References: <> <> <PH7PR84MB3184B0AE64CB5591279481D8B8BF2@PH7PR84MB3184.NAMPRD84.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

Believe it or not, I haven't progressed beyond some family snaps taken 
as jpgs as I've been very busy. I will try that solution before I go 
subscription. That said I am finding the menus, settings and options on 
the X100VI quite extensive, needing familiarity and time consuming. As I 
wasn't great - and neither was my wife - after our latest blast of CoVid 
which played merry hell with my up to now gradually diminishing spells 
of Long CoVid, I have not really focussed, if you'll pardon the pun, on 
the new Fuji. Also being a sports addict and having the Olympics on more 
or less permanently did not help either.

I will give it a shot later this week, all being well.


On 06/08/2024 02:17, Aram Langhans wrote:
> Hi Douglas.? Late to the parade but here is what I have done.? I, too, 
> have not taken the plunge to the Adobe Subscription but have stayed 
> with Lightroom 6 and Photoshop CS6.? They do everything I want, even 
> though the newer versions have things that might make my life easier, 
> but not really do anything more than what I want to do.? But then I 
> updated my Nikon from the D750, which played nice with LR6 to a Z7ii 
> which does not play at all with LR6.? My solution was to use the free 
> Adobe DNG converter.? I copy my Nikon RAW files to my computer, run 
> the DNG converter and have it save the converted files to an "import" 
> folder in LR6, then just open LR6 and synchronize my "import" folder 
> and I am off and running. I really does not take much longer than 
> importing directly using LR6 as I always converted my Nikon RAW files 
> to DNG on import anyway.
> And then the Q2 and Q3 but that was no big deal because they save RAW 
> files as DNG files anyway and i can import them directly from the card 
> using LR6.
> So, that is my solution.? Free and works fine.? I guess if I formatted 
> my SD card after each import i could just have the DNG converter read 
> directly from the card and place the DNG files in my import folder 
> negating the need to copy them to the computer. The Adobe DNG 
> converter does not allow you to select individual photos to convert, 
> just the folder.
> Good luck with your choice.
> Aram
> On 7/27/2024 4:27:44, Douglas Barry wrote:
>> Thanks Peter and John. Based on what's been said, I'd better avoid 
>> the shock of the new and meekly embrace Adobe's hand in my wallet. I 
>> do use my Sony too which is a consideration, so any steep learning 
>> curves are not welcome to my now somewhat befuddled brain. For 
>> instance, the new Fuji is no longer as intuitive to operate as its 
>> elder sibling and seems to have infinitely wider range of options. I 
>> feel like crawling into a corner and sucking my thumb...
>> Douglas
>> On 27/07/2024 09:55, Peter Klein via LUG wrote:
>>> Douglas: What John says is correct, but there's a loophole.? You can 
>>> still get a perpetual license for Capture One. It costs more than 
>>> you will like. However, if you buy a perpetual license, you can use 
>>> that version for as long as you want, providing your hardware and OS 
>>> will support it.
>>> Are you are the type who likes to get regular fixes and 
>>> enhancements? Are you lured by the prospect of ever-smarter 
>>> so-called AI tools for removing Comrade Outov Favoroff from photos 
>>> of last year's May Day parade? Then going the Adobe subscription 
>>> route makes more sense. But it you like Capture One and are OK with 
>>> the version you have, a perpetual license can also make sense. Just 
>>> upgrade every 3-5 years rather than every time they dangle a shiny 
>>> new thing, which may not always be so shiny once you dig into it.
>>> That's what I'm doing. I've used Capture One since it came free with 
>>> my M8. I stayed with it because it did what I needed, and it kept me 
>>> out of Adobe's "pay forever" model. Then recently, Capture One went 
>>> to that same model. Many users? regarded this as a blatant betrayal 
>>> (as did I) but hey, that's business. I fooled with both Darktable 
>>> and Raw Therapee (open source alternatives), and decided it made 
>>> more sense to stick with my old, perpetually licensed Capture One 
>>> version 20. I think it's about five years old now.? I've invested a 
>>> lot of time and knowledge in Capture One that I'd rather not throw 
>>> away, even if their business practices offend me.
>>> If the next version has a real improvement over v. 20, I'll probably 
>>> upgrade and use that for the next few years. I'd rather do that than 
>>> have to learn a less convenient and capable open source program. Or 
>>> be assimilated by the Borg, I mean Adobe, and still have to relearn 
>>> everything anyway.
>>> OTOH, if you're already familiar with Adobe's tools and way of doing 
>>> things, and are comfortable with them, then maybe just subscribing 
>>> to Adobe makes sense. I did a sobering exercise recently, involving 
>>> how much each software package would cost over my likely remaining 
>>> lifetime. For those of us "of a certain age," the differences are 
>>> not so great no matter what we do. So it makes sense to think about 
>>> the value of your experience, skill and affinity with a particular 
>>> product.
>>> One Fuji-specific wrinkle is that Capture One has always handled 
>>> Fuji files better than Adobe. Do some Googling to see how much that 
>>> might matter to you.
>>> Hope this helps!
>>> --Peter
>>>> Capture One has gone to the same pricing model (albeit more 
>>>> expensive) as
>>>> Adobe AFAIK.
>>>> john
>>>> ?On 25/07/2024, 01:15, "LUG on behalf of Douglas Barry"
>>>> < at on behalf of 
>>>> imra at
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> ???? ???? Incidentally, it comes with a free trial
>>>> ???? of Capture One which I know little about. I use Lightroom 6 
>>>> and PSE 15
>>>> ???? which won?t work with the new Fuji raw files. Of course, I 
>>>> could go
>>>> ???? Adobe monthly, but I?d be interested in hearing what people 
>>>> have to say
>>>> ???? about the Capture One directional option. Has any one switched 
>>>> to it?
>>>> ???? Opinions gratefully received.
>>>> ???? Douglas
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In reply to: Message from boulanger.croissant at (Peter Klein) ([Leica] Capture One - the road less followed?)
Message from imra at (Douglas Barry) ([Leica] Capture One - the road less followed?)
Message from leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans) ([Leica] Capture One - the road less followed?)