Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2021/06/29

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Subject: [Leica] Windows 11 in YOUR future?
From: leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans)
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 20:37:43 -0700
References: <> <> <> <>

Only Apples in my house grow on trees and are edible.

On 6/29/2021 12:10 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
> All Apples at my house, as well.
> On 6/29/21 1:10 PM, Philippe via LUG wrote:
>> Answering the question in the heading : NO !
>> An Apple a day keeps the technies and doc away ;-)
>> Amities
>> Philippe
>>> Le 29 juin 2021 ? 19:06, Frank Filippone via LUG 
>>> <lug at> a ?crit :
>>> WIn11 requires a 8th generation or later processor.... so I looked 
>>> up how old these processors were:
>>> * *8th Generation, released 2017 to 2019;*
>>> * *9th Generation, released 2018 to 2019;*
>>> * *10th Generation, released 2019 to 2020;
>>> ?? *
>>> * *11th Generation, released 2020 to 2021;? ( Current processor)
>>> ?? *
>>> Which processors is in MY computer?
>>> or, if you purchased a computer that is now more than 4 years old, 
>>> you will not be using WIn11, in most likelihood.? Your processor is 
>>> too old.
>>> Says WHO?? Microsoft!
>>> Is this definitive?? NO.? there are other requirements that must be 
>>> met, but this is the easy one to find and now, in my case, forget 
>>> about WIN11.
>>> Is this a blessing?? If you absolutely HATE having to re learn where 
>>> MS put all the gadgets you have used daily for the past 5 years, and 
>>> detest having to figure out where they put your opening page so you 
>>> can find some program, then YES, this is a blessing.
>>> If you are MR. IT Corporate America ( or World),? and you have not 
>>> recently replaced the immense amount of computer items in your 
>>> company, this is a blessing from THE WOMAN himself.
>>> What are the ramifications of not being able to migrate to WIN11?? 
>>> Some day, some piece of SW, or worse, a piece of Hardware, right 
>>> after it is automatically upgraded, will suddenly not run. THEN it 
>>> IS time to trash your old computer and buy a new model.
>>> When will this happen?? When you are on a project with a completion 
>>> date is coming up and you are up to your eyeballs in problems 
>>>, the MOST inconvenient time.
>>> Expect Adobe to be the first to give us all a problem!
>>> Frank Filippone
>>> BMWRed735i at
>>> I found that my Dell Laptop is not Win11 compatible. The processor 
>>> was the reported problem.
>>> Here is the most likely reason
>>> The CPU requirement may be more or less of a problem than it 
>>> initially seems. Microsoft has a relatively short list of supported 
>>> CPUs from three major manufacturers (AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm) that 
>>> generally goes back to Ryzen 2500 or Intel 8th generation Core?no 
>>> farther.
>>> My processor is 5th generation.
>>> -- 
>>> Frank Filippone
>>> BMWRed735i at <mailto:BMWRed735i at>
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Aram Langhans
(Semi) Retired Science Teacher
& Unemployed photographer
?The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself 
would ever have dared dream.?   James D. Watson

Replies: Reply from cartersxrd at (RicCarter) ([Leica] Windows 11 in YOUR future?)
In reply to: Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] Windows 11 in YOUR future?)
Message from photo.philippe.amard at (Philippe) ([Leica] Windows 11 in YOUR future?)
Message from jhnichols at (Jim Nichols) ([Leica] Windows 11 in YOUR future?)