Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/11/17

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Subject: [Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike
From: jbilin at (JBilinski)
Date: Sat Nov 17 16:00:29 2007
References: <> <p06230908c363ab17053d@> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Adam Bridge wrote:
>  Did you do the 80 hour version?
I've done it twice and both times started in the 84 hour group which 
starts in the early morning rather than the evening. I thought there 
would be less chance of crashing the first night in the large group of 
cyclists in the 90 hour group and it worked well the first time so I 
stuck with it.
> For me I can do a century. Maybe I'll try the double century next
> spring. But nothing like the PBP.
Well, if you do 200 miles, that's over half way to Brest. Push it a 
little more and you'll be in Brest. Then start heading back and you'll 
have way to much invested to quit then.

> What was your recovery time?
I experienced numbness in my feet for a couple of weeks. I also had a 
fairly severe wound on one side of my posterior caused by riding a 
couple hundred k's with the top of my seatpost damaged. This caused my 
seat to be tilted  sideways a fair bit. In a couple of my photos you can 
see the mechanics who replaced the seatpost at one of the checkpoints. 
Interestingly I didn't experience much pain from this during the ride. I 
guess it's a mind over matter thing.
> And may I share that link with my local bike club members? I don't
> want to pass along something and have it eat your bandwidth alive. I
> doubt if that will happen but I should ask before I do.
Sure. This site gets a lot of hits. The guy who runs it does a very good 

In reply to: Message from nathan at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] Totally OT: Prius experiences?)
Message from leica at (Didier Ludwig) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)
Message from photo.forrest at (Philip Forrest) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)
Message from shino at (Rei Shinozuka) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)
Message from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)
Message from jbilin at (JBilinski) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)
Message from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Forget Prius, buy a bike)