Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/06/19

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Subject: [Leica] eBay & Paypal
From: nathan at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Tue Jun 19 00:57:34 2007
References: <00b701c7b225$e33df110$082cddd8@maison> <>

My experience is similar to Didier's. When buying or selling  
something outside of Europe, Paypal is by far the safest and most  
convenient option. When selling I will of course happily accept a  
bank transfer from anywhere in the world, but it is likely to be a  
major hazzle for the buyer, since most banks outside Europe will  
charge a hefty fee for this, and the transfer takes several days.  
Paypal charges its 3% or whatever, but the transfer takes minutes.

When trading within Europe, it is a different story. A bank transfer  
between, say, the Netherlands and Spain costs me exactly the same as  
one within the Netherlands, namely nothing.

The one payment method I NEVER want to deal with it is paper of any  
kind (checks, money orders etc.)--that is just too 19th century--or  
Western Union and its ilk for that matter.


On 19-jun-2007, at 9:39, Didier Ludwig wrote:

> Salut Robert,
> I belong to the sellers which declare to accept Paypal only for  
> international transactions. I also prefer it as buyer. The reasons  
> are various:
> - Paypal = fast payment = immediate shipping (and leading to a  
> positive feedback for quick payment or quick delivery)
> - intl. money orders and checks can turn into a nightmare if you  
> don't find an institution (bank, post) in your country which will  
> refund it, or refund it without an exaggerated fee.
> - Money orders can take a lot of time. Once I sent a postal MO from  
> Switzerland to Wyoming, it took 10 weeks to arrive there, forcing  
> me to send a lot of appeasing mails to the seller who thought I'm a  
> non-payer. Never again.
> - Bank wire transfers can cost a lot - depending from where to  
> where they go - IBAN is only free inside EU but otherwise rather  
> costly. There's a high fixed fee on low amounts, and a high  
> percentage fee on large amounts. Every bank has another fee/pricing  
> policiy, which is often not visible before you do the transaction.
> - Sending cash in insured letters is russian roulette. I have given  
> up this option since an enveloppe arrived open and empty.
> Having a good feedback profile is more than welcome. I have  
> cancelled dozens of bids from buyers with doubtable profiles. But  
> reading and accepting the payment options of a seller is another  
> obligatory requirement fo a buyer. Your feedback profile won't stay  
> perfect when you bid on Paypal-only auctions and then want to  
> negociate the payment methods afterwards. You'll get negatives like  
> "Did not read the payment options".
> Since a buyer does not have to pay Paypal fees, and can use it  
> without credit card (by uploading money from his bank account), I  
> don't see any reason why Paypal should not be reasonable for most  
> buyers.
> Bad Paypal reputation? That sounds a bit diffuse. There certainly  
> are issues with the Paypal seller and buyer protection rules, and  
> Paypal accounts with too simple passwords have been phished in the  
> past (but does anyone have compassion for people using passwords  
> like "abcd"?)... Personally, after approximately 600 Paypal  
> transactions, I have never been involved in any trouble, but others  
> LUGgers might have been. I don't want to say Paypal is hasslefree  
> and without risk, but it's 100x more convenient than checks and MO's.
> Best regards
> Didier
>> Bonsoir,
>>  Since *bay and Paypal are mentioned here every so often, I was  
>> wondering if anybody (surely someone must) has an explanation for  
>> the following.  In the last couple of days I was going to bid (and  
>> surely win) some items on *Bay.  However the sellers flatly  
>> refused to accept a method of payment other than Paypal.  My  
>> feedback is perfect.  Why would anyone actually tie their hand  
>> with Paypal (who do not have the greatest of reputation  
>> businesswise) and lose money?  Did this happen to anyone on this  
>> list?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Robert (Un chevalier sans blason)
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Nathan Wajsman
General photography:

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] eBay & Paypal)
In reply to: Message from bussbearm at (Robert Beaudoin) ([Leica] *Bay & Paypal)
Message from leica at (Didier Ludwig) ([Leica] eBay & Paypal)