Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/11

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Subject: [Leica] Dad pictures
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Tue Apr 11 07:59:31 2006
References: <4F488248ADCD6C419976DFE43A115091EBABED@SV-EX01.jp2hs.campus> <>


Why not post some if you feel you can?


Kenneth Frazier wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2006, at 8:42 PM, Arche, Harvey wrote:
> >  I owe a debt of gratitude to Kenneth for the first and third; I
> > followed his advice about staying in one place until people got
> > used to me being there with a camera.
> My thanks for the kind words, Harvey.  :-)  And, I like your photos.
> FWIW, speaking of Dad pictures, I've got several rolls of Tri-X shot
> in my Dad's hospital room, just minutes before he died, though I
> didn't know that would happen.  My youngest brother had arrived and I
> wanted some shots of him.  I haven't processed these yet, and am
> unsure about what to do with them when I do.
> Ken
> -----------------------------------
> The Rev. Kenneth Frazier
> Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ
> ----------------------------------
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Barney Quinn, Jr.
(301) 688-1982 (O)
(240) 535-3036 (C)
(877) 220-0981 (P)

In reply to: Message from Harvey.Arche at (Arche, Harvey) ([Leica] Dad pictures)
Message from kennybod at (Kenneth Frazier) ([Leica] Dad pictures)