Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/16

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Subject: [Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light
From: r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor)
Date: Mon Jan 16 09:59:59 2006
References: <p06230921bfe96e361e17@[]> <>

Luis - I had not considered this possibility.  Thanks.  I ran some 
tests recently with Fuji Press 400 and found I got the least grainy, 
best tonal range negatives when I derated the film between 1 and 2 
stops.  The variation depended on whether or not the lamp was in, or 
close to, the frame.  (And,  this was after making sure I wasn't 
metering the lamp.)   Next time I think I'll try Fuji 800 at 400 or 
maybe Fuji 1600 derated to 650 or so and see if either gives me 
better results.

I may give P3200 another try eventually  but I'd like to stick with 
C41-process films for now.

>On 10/01/2006, at 15:32, Richard S. Taylor wrote:
>>Following up on comments (on and off-list) by David Cochran, it 
>>looks like the gray appearance and graininess in some of my recent 
>>postings is due to simple underexposure.  Compared to negatives 
>>taken in daylight on the same film rated identically, they are very 
>Most B/W films have a different sensibility under daylight or 
>tungsten light. Original Tri-X (which was ISO 200 instead 400) had 
>200 under daylight and 160 with tungsten according kodak's data 
>sheets.  Whatever is happening technically, the relative luminances 
>that you can find under tungsten light are typically quite steep in 
>close areas, so  you should have to meter carefully to avoid flat 
>tones or  underexposure because a relatively small area of the skin 
>is reflecting much more than the rest and weighting a lot in the 
>metering area.
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information


Boston MA

Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
In reply to: Message from r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)