Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/08/20

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Subject: [Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson
From: photo.philippe.amard at (Philippe)
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2017 18:46:06 +0200
References: <> <> <> <> <000601d3193f$ac0a8140$041f83c0$@ca> <> <> <>

Piqu? depends on the lens
Nettet? on the operator of the lens ;-)

Chupito, et dodo!

Amities de nous deux

> Le 20 ao?t 2017 ? 18:40, Lluis Ripoll <lluisripollphotography at 
>> a ?crit :
> Merci Philippe,
> Pour moi nettet? et piqu?  seraient ? la limite des conceptes similaires?.
> ?a va mon ami, je respose mais maintenat je vais descendre ? La Rambla et 
> prendre quelque photo.
> Amiti?s
> Lluis
>> El 20 ag 2017, a les 18:37, Philippe <photo.philippe.amard at> 
>> va escriure:
>> Lluis,
>> Sharpness as it is used in HCB?s quote in English is a very misleading 
>> translation of the French word nettet?. 
>> The original sentence is about ? nettet? ?, not about ? piqu? ? ?
>> Traduttore, traditore 
>> Repose toi bien.
>> Amities
>> Phuzzillogix 1er, roi du flou, du b?ret, et de la baguette
>>> Le 20 ao?t 2017 ? 18:13, Lluis Ripoll <lluisripollphotography at 
>>>> a ?crit :
>>> Hi Ted,
>>> I always read your comments, I?e learned a lot, as always I find all of 
>>> them very interesting and clever and in my opinion this one is one of 
>>> the most interesting, no for your mention to me that I appreciate very 
>>> much, but for the question (s) it content. Can we consider the Art and 
>>> the Beauty with universal rules/Laws? No, of course, some years ago I?ve 
>>> read a very interesting book about the historical period of ?La 
>>> Encyclopedie? / ?La Illustraion? and how a lot of wise men has intended 
>>> stablish the standards and the reasons of the beauty, but fortunately 
>>> the Art has or shall has no rules, as you know, one of my favorite 
>>> sentences is from HCB ?Sharpnes is a bourgeois concept?. Longtime ago 
>>> I?ve visited an exhibiton of J.J. Henri Lartigue, really impressive to 
>>> see what he has do with the early technology. Maybe we the people we 
>>> think that photography reproduces the reality but as Susan Sontag says, 
>>> it shows our reality. Behind the great names of the past there many 
>>> others was ?eclipsed? by the great stars of the moment.
>>> At this moment your interrogative sign still need a response that maybe 
>>> don?t exist or there exist too many?. Diversity is our richness!
>>> Cheers!
>>> Lluis
>>>> El 20 ag 2017, a les 1:05, Ted Grant <tedgrant at> va escriure:
>>>> W. Eugene Smith: ?I Didn?t write the Rules, Why should I Follow Them??
>>>> =================================
>>>> Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> Probably one of the smartest things Eugene Smith ever said or made us 
>>>> aware of!
>>>> Yes another shooter may sometimes point out a "photo correction" we may 
>>>> have missed regarding one of our own photos.
>>>> However? It is our own eyes, gut feelings, technical wisdom and several 
>>>> other items that guides each and every one of us in capturing a "beauty 
>>>> we love with great passion!"
>>>> Oh of course we're not always right! Nobody has ever been that good! 
>>>> Including Eugene Smith and many of his era that today have some folks 
>>>> bowing before them as "THE GREATS OF THE GREATEST!"
>>>> Oh they were good for their day and equipment, no question! BUT TODAY== 
>>>> 2017? 
>>>> You betcha! Right here amongst the LUG we have some extremely fine 
>>>> shooters I'd put up against those "old timers" under the conditions of 
>>>> today's society" compared to the '20's-'30s-'40'etc! 
>>>> The bottom line with these "wunderkin-shooter's of old" ===  SOCIETY OF 
>>>> TO DAY? would eat them alive?" Or punch their brains out!
>>>> One lugger right here about to have a magnificent exhibition in 
>>>> Chicago, our very own "INVISABLE LLUIS!" of Barcelona! :-)
>>>> If we could only bring Cartier Bresson and a couple of other "Hot Shot 
>>>> Shooters of the past?" back for Lluis exhibition it would be most 
>>>> interesting to hear their comments?  :-) 
>>>> That's not going to happen, "unfortunately!"
>>>> I still believe we have excellent photogs of all calibre's, in quality 
>>>> today in many situations far superior to those of the long gone past.
>>>> For what all that's worth? Maybe nothing? So I shall return to my quite 
>>>> resting of a Saturday afternoon! Unfortunately! :-(
>>>> cheers,
>>>> Dr. Ted Grant O. C. 
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: LUG [ at] On 
>>>> Behalf Of Lluis Ripoll
>>>> Sent: August-19-17 2:12 PM
>>>> To: Leica Users Group
>>>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson
>>>> Gerry,
>>>> W. Eugene Smith: ?I Didn?t write the Rules, Why should I Follow Them??
>>>> Cheers my friend!
>>>> Lluis
>>>>> El 19 ag 2017, a les 13:37, Gerry Walden <gerry.walden at> 
>>>>> va escriure:
>>>>> Always shoot the image and forget the rules. If it looks right then it 
>>>>> is right DESPITE the rules.
>>>>> Gerry
>>>>>> On 19 Aug 2017, at 11:13, Lluis Ripoll <lluisripollphotography at 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Jayanand, It is interesting, but it puts to me a question, 
>>>>>> which one is the priority?
>>>>>> BE CREATIVE and put the rules 
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> PUT THE RULES and try creativity
>>>>>> Cartier-Bresson was basically instictive, but maybe one day someone 
>>>>>> will put these grids on the digital screens and it will be amazing 
>>>>>> see the people composing through it?. :-) 
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Lluis
>>>>>>> El 18 ag 2017, a les 4:11, Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at 
>>>>>>>> va escriure:
>>>>>>> For those interested:
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Jayanand
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In reply to: Message from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from gerry.walden at (Gerry Walden) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from photo.philippe.amard at (Philippe) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)
Message from lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll) ([Leica] Henri Cartier-Bresson)