Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/03/14

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower PLUS GEAR! :-)
From: kanner at (Herbert Kanner)
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 18:36:40 -0700
References: <> <> <> <002301d05dd2$2de4f780$89aee680$@ca>

Herbert Kanner
kanner at

Question authority and the authorities will question you.

> On Mar 13, 2015, at 2:10 PM, Ted Grant <tedgrant at> wrote:
>>>> I've been shooting Friday Flowers for years and NEVER used macro mode.  
>>>> Shoot wider and crop.
>> As that crazy Canadian says KISS.<<<<<<<<<<<<
> love yu GUY! :-) 
> Hey Sonny, But that's the truth! The more bells and whistles creates a 
> greater potential for onsite crap-outs REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE TECHIES IN 
> Many times gear works so beautiful in the factory and test benches. 
> HOWEVER???????? Take it in the field by a regular everyday talented  
> shooter and it MAY or MAYNOT crap out! Then return it FOR SERVICE and have 
> it returned 6 months later! :-( 
> In the "REALLY GOOD OLD DAYS" one bought the LEICA, added a roll of film 
> each time you wished to take more photos. And you did it that way and it 
> worked perfectly. oh for about 20-30 years and never let you down.
> How many of you folks before all the techie aspects of photography 
> TECHIE STUFF? You just out and out blew people away?
> Hey the techie stuff is cool. HOWEVER? The designers and super brain 
> technicians keep advancing all kinds of aspects of cameras, computers and 
> many other amazing bits and pieces these days. They're creating a world of 
> potential screw-up's every single day.
> And quite frankly in many cases??????????? We all did just beautifully 
> fine before they invented them!
> NOW REMEMBER I DIDN'T SAY ALL OF THEM! Only the ones I can't figure out to 
> make work! :-) MOST!!! AND WHEN I TRY? I really screw things up quite 
> badly! Then my years of photo KISS experience kicks in with only one 
> re-action? "KILL THE MACHINE!" When I really really get put off?  "KILL 
> Rarely does one "BLAME THEMSELVES?" Simply because rarely do we want to 
> admit we're just an un-educated DUMPKOFF" :-)
> OR better? Pour a glass of extra fine single malt, sit out on the back 
> deck and reminisce back 40 years or more, relax, take a deep breathe and 
> re-peat?  "Naw that's OK I'll get it right tomorrow!" SMILE and have a wee 
> sip! Breath gently. 
> Yes Sonny "KISS" fashion is calm, relaxing and produces magical moments 
> one never thought possible. The techie stuff???? Can always leave you with 
> doubt??????????? KISS? You see. You click! BEAUTIFUL! :-)
> Have a good one!
> cheers,
> ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: LUG [ at] On 
> Behalf Of Herbert Kanner
> Sent: March-13-15 12:29 PM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] IMG: Friday Flower
> Good point, Sonny. Just what I did with my M9 and 35mm lens, but, alas, 
> Leica has had my camera with messed up sensor since December and I?ve not 
> heard a thing.
> Herbert Kanner
> kanner at
> 650-326-8204
> Question authority and the authorities will question you.
>> On Mar 13, 2015, at 5:11 AM, Sonny Carter <sonc.hegr at> wrote:
>> Just turn off the flash, don't use macro.  Set the camera up at home and 
>> shoot it the same way all the time and don't mess with the menus outside. 
>> I've been shooting Friday Flowers for years and NEVER used macro mode.  
>> Shoot wider and crop.
>> As that crazy Canadian says KISS.
>> from my iPad
>> Sonny Carter
>>> On Mar 13, 2015, at 1:12 AM, Herbert Kanner <kanner at> wrote:
>>> <>
>>> In a way, this is cheating. The flower did not come from my backyard. It 
>>> did not come from a neighbor?s garden; it came from a neighborhood 
>>> grocery store. These flowers, displayed for modesale, are a minor 
>>> challenge: it is hard to find one not so thoroughly and tightly packed 
>>> with neighbors that a single flower is hard to shoot.
>>> Anyway, I was just trying out manual focusing with peaking and am 
>>> disappointed with the result. In addition, I?m getting really pissed off 
>>> with that Japanese junk?referring to the firmware, not to the physical 
>>> camera, which in general has been superb. Example: I wanted to use 
>>> Macro. Well there is a mode called ?silent? which suppresses flash, the 
>>> speaker which gives various toots, yaps, and simulated shutter clicks, 
>>> flash, focus assist light, and for some reason that defies explanation, 
>>> macro mode. So, I first have to hold down one button for ten seconds to 
>>> unlock a lock (not ever mentioned in the manual), which unlocking 
>>> permits me to hold down another button for another ten seconds to 
>>> disable silent mode!!! Then I can set macro mode and take the picture. 
>>> Well reversing this little action proved next to impossible. No matter 
>>> what I did, the toggle between optical and electronic viewfinders did 
>>> not work, and the display in the viewfinders was incomplete. I have set 
>>> it to show battery status, focus distance and depth of field shown 
>>> graphically, and the usual: shutter speed f number, exposure 
>>> compensation, ISO, and the focus rectangle. And the lever on the front 
>>> should toggle between EVF and OVF. After interminable minutes of fooling 
>>> around I decided the quickest thing was to do a reset of the shooting 
>>> menu and then set it up from scratch?this is not too bad because once I 
>>> set RAW, many of the defaults are either what I want or are irrelevant. 
>>> Mainly, I have to set check marks on boxes for what I want to show in 
>>> the two finders. It took me a while to realize that this was really the 
>>> fastest way to restore it to be a working camera. JAPANESE JUNK. Just 
>>> what idiot specified this interface?????
>>> Cheers, y?all
>>> HerbBoe
>>> Herbert Kanner
>>> kanner at
>>> 650-326-8204
>>> Question authority and the authorities will question you.
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>>> Leica Users Group.
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In reply to: Message from kanner at (Herbert Kanner) ([Leica] IMG: Friday Flower)
Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] IMG: Friday Flower)
Message from kanner at (Herbert Kanner) ([Leica] IMG: Friday Flower)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] IMG: Friday Flower PLUS GEAR! :-))