Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/11/08

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Subject: [Leica] AN EVENING IN VANCOUVER! :-)
From: steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour)
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2012 20:46:06 -0800
References: <1577296291.3451701352235352141.JavaMail.root@dsmdc-mail-mbs12> <D267A953E9F14ECEBE778AD2F7065F1E@syneticfeba505> <3AE6DB0F68FD406BAA3003BB8D6E40AD@Equibox>

On Nov 7, 2012, at 9:39 AM, Jon Streeter <jon.streeter at> wrote:

> Ted, I took your invitation to visit your website.  Verrry nice stuff 
> you've got there.  Thanks for the invite.
> For those of you who have yet to see Ted's photos:  fasten your seatbelt. 
> :)

hi Jon, methinks, you are the new person on the block.


> -----Original Message----- From: tedgrant at
> Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 9:29 AM
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: [Leica] AN EVENING IN VANCOUVER! :-)
> TO ALL THE CREW: :-) This is what it's all about........ PEOPLE GATHERING! 
> :-)
> So many wonderful posts about the grand time by all in Vancouver with LUG 
> family and friends. :-) They are emotional gatherings for a huge number of 
> reasons. Uplifting, the smile at the first recognition of the person on 
> the other side of the screen. The fun babblefest of real time speech and 
> re-actions. The heart felt laughter!
> We mostly joined the LUG as and because we are, or were, still am a Leica 
> User of some kind. Little did we realize what we actually did was join a 
> group of like minded human beings of professions, careers, experiences of 
> an incredible cross section of life on Planet Earth! Few sites have this 
> type of camaraderie and friendship building.
> You've seen the pictures from Barcelona earlier this summer! Now Vancouver 
> that was an incredible fun time, learning from each other. But most 
> importantly "Getting to know each other "LIVE TIME" face to face!
> Yep you can build a "screen-time friendship" many of us have done so and 
> do this with many others. By the same token maybe a poorly written or 
> mis-read post can have the opposite effect and re-action. Unfortunately!
> But there isn't anything more wonderful than to build a connection with 
> others on the screen. Then? There you are standing face to face real-time 
> shaking hands that solidifies what we are really all about. Human beings 
> who like, enjoy, play and career time with photography tying us all 
> together in one fashion or another.
> For many of the crew these gathering are not possible for any number of 
> reasons. However, we who have been of such good fortune to have shared 
> face to face time over the years? There's no moments like them! We may 
> look like a bit over enthusiastic about the gatherings. We're not! Simply 
> because we hope and trust all of you unable to attend will receive good 
> vibes from the pictures posted later. Possibly even making arrangements 
> for a future gathering where it's economically possible for you to come 
> along and join the crew party atmosphere as seen in the many photographs 
> posted.
> Right here I must offer a great big "THANK YOU" to our infamous SALOON 
> KEEPER. AKA Brien Reid for his on going operation of the gear that makes 
> the LUG a place of honour within the internet of the world.
> To the many posts about and showing Dr.ted and the infamous photographer 
> salute. :-) I can only say. Thank you all for your kindness and friendship 
> in the past and that we once again have the opportunity to mingle, laugh 
> and exchange the stories only photographers create and are part of.
> A GREAT BIG CHEERS CREW! Thank you all. :-)
> Dr. ted
> AKA ted ;-)
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Replies: Reply from jon.streeter at (Jon Streeter) ([Leica] AN EVENING IN VANCOUVER! :-))
In reply to: Message from grduprey at (grduprey at ([Leica] An evening with Leica friends in Vancouver)
Message from tedgrant at (tedgrant at ([Leica] AN EVENING IN VANCOUVER! :-))
Message from jon.streeter at (Jon Streeter) ([Leica] AN EVENING IN VANCOUVER! :-))