Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/11/07
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]TO ALL THE CREW: :-) This is what it's all about........ PEOPLE GATHERING! :-) So many wonderful posts about the grand time by all in Vancouver with LUG family and friends. :-) They are emotional gatherings for a huge number of reasons. Uplifting, the smile at the first recognition of the person on the other side of the screen. The fun babblefest of real time speech and re-actions. The heart felt laughter! We mostly joined the LUG as and because we are, or were, still am a Leica User of some kind. Little did we realize what we actually did was join a group of like minded human beings of professions, careers, experiences of an incredible cross section of life on Planet Earth! Few sites have this type of camaraderie and friendship building. You've seen the pictures from Barcelona earlier this summer! Now Vancouver that was an incredible fun time, learning from each other. But most importantly "Getting to know each other "LIVE TIME" face to face! Yep you can build a "screen-time friendship" many of us have done so and do this with many others. By the same token maybe a poorly written or mis-read post can have the opposite effect and re-action. Unfortunately! But there isn't anything more wonderful than to build a connection with others on the screen. Then? There you are standing face to face real-time shaking hands that solidifies what we are really all about. Human beings who like, enjoy, play and career time with photography tying us all together in one fashion or another. For many of the crew these gathering are not possible for any number of reasons. However, we who have been of such good fortune to have shared face to face time over the years? There's no moments like them! We may look like a bit over enthusiastic about the gatherings. We're not! Simply because we hope and trust all of you unable to attend will receive good vibes from the pictures posted later. Possibly even making arrangements for a future gathering where it's economically possible for you to come along and join the crew party atmosphere as seen in the many photographs posted. Right here I must offer a great big "THANK YOU" to our infamous SALOON KEEPER. AKA Brien Reid for his on going operation of the gear that makes the LUG a place of honour within the internet of the world. To the many posts about and showing Dr.ted and the infamous photographer salute. :-) I can only say. Thank you all for your kindness and friendship in the past and that we once again have the opportunity to mingle, laugh and exchange the stories only photographers create and are part of. A GREAT BIG CHEERS CREW! Thank you all. :-) Dr. ted AKA ted ;-)