Archived posting to the
Leica Users Group, 2007/05/06
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Subject: [Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowful lament)
From: telyt at (Doug Herr)
Date: Sun May 6 18:16:42 2007
References: <> <> <>
> If they are so reliable, why does DAG, Sherry,Ken Ruth, and Leica
> have
> such a backlog?
1) After a few decades any camera will need some service, even if
only a CLA. There are 50 decades of M cameras and 40 decades of
Leicaflex and R cameras in use.
2) DAG tells me there are fewer independent camera repair shops now
so the work that the other shops used to do is now being sent to
those who are still in business - the superstars like DAG, sherry,
Ken Ruth, etc.
3) It may also be that people who are committed to film want to be
sure their cameras are put back in to top condition while the
superstar repair services are still available.
Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento
Reply from telyt at (Doug Herr) ([Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowful lament))
Reply from jhnichols at (Jim Nichols) ([Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowfullament))
Reply from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowful lament))
In reply to:
Message from lrzeitlin at (Lawrence Zeitlin) ([Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowful lament))
Message from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] Re: M8-not ready for Prime Time (a long and sorrowful lament))