Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] M8 and San Disk Ultra II 2.0 GB cards
From: hewthompson at (Hugh Thompson)
Date: Sun Jan 21 16:37:16 2007
References: <> <>

Howard - I think it depends on what application is being used.  I use  
Aperture, and never have a problem, not did I before, using the same  
card, and iPhoto.

Recently however, I had some lovely shots, and visited my friend who  
has a PC, he just wanted to look at the images on his computer, could  
not get a download, what is more, the images disappeared from the  
card ...... poof!

In your case, I guess there is no alternative but to use a different  
card, or buy a Mac!


On 21-Jan-07, at 9:12 AM, Howard Cummer wrote:

> Dear Luggers,
> My M8 and me, we are getting on quite well. I'm having more trouble  
> wrestling with Capture One LE to make sense out of RAW and turning  
> to Silky Pix as being easier and more intuitive. One puzzle which  
> has cropped up is that RAW or JPEG photos recorded on San Disk  
> Ultra II cards with 2 GB capacity by the M8 won't read on my card  
> reader. When this first happened I thought the card was defective  
> and took it back to my photo dealer and exchanged it. Same thing  
> happened with the replacement. I can download images from the  
> camera recorded on the 2 GB card by plugging in the camera so the  
> recording is okay - it is just the playback via card reader which  
> doesn't work. Tried another card reader - same story - so it  
> doesn't seem to be the reader. All my other SD cards of various  
> brands are 1 GB and all work fine - reading through the USB 2.0  
> reader. Anyone else having this experience?
> Any ideas about overcoming this reluctance to read?
> Cheers
> Howard (off to India in the morning)
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Replies: Reply from len-1 at (Leonard Taupier) ([Leica] M8 and San Disk Ultra II 2.0 GB cards)
In reply to: Message from cummer at (Howard Cummer) ([Leica] M8 and San Disk Ultra II 2.0 GB cards)