Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/09/17

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Subject: [Leica] RE: Trying to understand M8
From: don.dory at (Don Dory)
Date: Sun Sep 17 05:47:34 2006
References: <003001c6da49$3c6e30c0$6501a8c0@asus930> <>

On the other side of the fence, proprietary RAW formats have real issues ten
years out.  Let us assume that we are all good children and save our cards
full of RAW images on the media of choice.  Time passes and for some reason
we need to examine some of those images say five years later, maybe we have
a wedding or possibly just need to look at some historical images to see
what has changed.  Nikon, Canon, Olympus have all moved on with their RAW
formats and you didn't save the disk that operated in a 32 bit environment
that wouldn't open on the new 64 bit OS anyway.  End result is that you can
not see your images in a worst case scenario.

The hope of the DNG is that even with CSXII your files will be useable and
you will be able to go back and rework an image if you so desire.  Only an
industry behemoth can set a standard as the temptation to tweak is very
strong.  You just have to look at the history of LINUX to see that various
groups played with the standard to lock you in to them and their revenue

Adobe is the 800 kilo gorilla and if enough organisations would quit trying
to reinvent the wheel and work within the open standard then their
development costs would go down and we all would have a file system that is

As to Adobe, so far they have been wonderful in dealing with old files in
the context of their upgrades.  $150 every two years or so is not such a bad
price to pay for the improved tools that show up with every upgrade.



On 9/17/06, Luis Miguel Casta?eda <> wrote:
> On 17/09/2006, at 13:05, G Hopkinson wrote:
> > I'm just a big fan of standardization, in principle. Compete in the
> > market by all means, but don't be arrogant and force people into
> > a proprietary standard that may or may not exist later.
> We're living in the moving ground of every beginning... I do like
> standarization, more than that, it's the only way to go into complex
> designs.
> I saw the Nikon format as a legal move in their own defense against
> omnipotence of Adobe; let's face it, it's the best tool ever but also
> it's very very close to a industrial monopoly if it isn't yet. Adobe
> does not need collaboration from any brand to support any custom raw
> once they have enough files, the only thing I saw there was nothing
> but a legal seal to force Adobe to talk with them ( as it happened )
> in order of a support what was a mutual need.
> IMHO they're only trying to tie-up some precedents to do not end
> being just a subindustrie driven by the growing in importance and
> unavoidable digital post-processing, that's all. In fact, my only
> complaint to DNG is that it's a unilateral proposal instead a more
> desirable consensual standard.
> Saludos
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Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] RE: Trying to understand M8)
In reply to: Message from hoppyman at (G Hopkinson) ([Leica] RE: Trying to understand M8)
Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] RE: Trying to understand M8)