Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/07/27

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Subject: [Leica] basic older M lens question
From: hoppyman at (G Hopkinson)
Date: Thu Jul 27 23:03:34 2006

Thanks Arche.
I regularly visit Cameraquest for info and interest.
Presently the option is to buy this particular f4 Elmar 135,
Since it's from a fellow LUG member, the pics look good and the price seems
moderate. That's providing it works with my M6 and doesn't need any
cumbersome viso system to work.
However the LTM option is attractive, thanks for the suggestion.
Must confess a secret agenda to also get a IIIf since I feel all good
LUGites ought to have an LTM camera as well. So maybe there's some synergy
there. The biggest issue here is that the nearest stores with any L
representation are quite a commute away. So communities like this one are a
great resource. Plus that big auction mob that starts with e.



Message: 29
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:04:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: "H. Ball Arche" <>
Subject: Re: [Leica] basic older M lens question
To: Leica Users Group <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Totally an opinion here, but I think the best solution
for an occasional-use 135 is to get an LTM to M
adaptor, and go to the auction site and look for an
old Canon Serenar. It'll be break-your-back heavy, but
wonderfully sharp, sturdy, and inexpensive. Check out
the old LTM Nikkors too. You can usually pick up a
nice one for US$80-90; or at least I did 2 years ago.
Check out Gandy's site in the screw-mount users lens

--- G Hopkinson <> wrote:

> Folks, pardon the basic question.
> I'm looking at getting an inexpensive 135mm for
> occasional use on my M6 .85.
> I've read a little but am still unsure on some
> mechanics regarding which
> ones have the detachable mount or require the viso?
> system.
> Herr Putt's review of the f4 Elmar 135 has nary a
> word on any adaptor
> requirement.
> The lens I have inquired about is currently in our
> FS from a member in
> Singapore.
> It's listed as M mount. I have no idea as yet
> regarding whether it works
> normally on my M or requires the adaptor system.
> Thanks for setting me straight
> Cheers
> Hoppy