Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/06/07

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Subject: RE [Leica] Chatter about digital M lenses
From: hoppyman at (G Hopkinson)
Date: Wed Jun 7 18:46:53 2006

I should more accurately have speculated

For many pros who have DSLR systems the Leica MD may be of limited interest.
I'm not a pro but I'd like one as well! Just so it's not decorated by Ralph

I agree that a proprietary RAW format would be a mistake. But Leica would
hardly be the first. And don't RAW files still involve some in camera
processing? Linear sensor output is altered to match our human colour
perception, isn't it?

Don't the DMR backs support DNG? I believe the sensor provider is not the
same company, though.

I was thinking that the "tweaks" could be stored with the EXIF data, and
similarly to any other edits would not affect the original RAW information.
So you could choose to disregard it if you wanted.

Can I find any of the Solms fairy dust on eBay?

My brain hurts. That's what I get for having an old analog model cranium.
But I've got some Delta 400 to finish in my T3 and a new Leica Lens book
just arrived in the mail so, I'm off to decompress.



Message: 25
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:27:22 -0500
From: "Christopher Williams" <>
Subject: [Leica] Re: Chatter about digital M lenses 
To: "Leica Users Group" <>
Message-ID: <004801c68a9a$b1694260$0a01a8c0@MacPhisto>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Pro's will not ignore it. I know a few pros that bought the Epson RD1 when
everyone said it was too $$$.

I'll take 2.


----- Original Message -----
From: "G Hopkinson"
Subject: RE [Leica] Chatter about digital M lenses

> WARNING WARNING personal opinion, extrapolation and rampant speculation
> follow:

> Pro's will ignore the Leica MD
> It'll cost too much
> Cheers

> Hoppy
> Feeling speculative down under


Message: 26
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 20:31:44 -0400
From: Robert Schneider <>
Subject: Re: [Leica] Digital Leica M
To: Leica Users Group <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; delsp=yes; format=flowed

 From all of the specifications that I have read, RAW files are  
supposed to provide sensor-level data without any camera-level  
processing.  That's kinda the whole point.

If Leica plans to provide a "tweaked" file and call it RAW, that will  
be a "proprietary" definition.  And an unfortunate one, IMO.

As I said earlier, they could offer any in-camera JPEG tweaks in  
their RAW converter.  How those of us who will not use their software  
will apply these adjustments remains a question.

I'm still guessing that their in-camera adjustments won't actually  
amount to much if anything.  They make good glass that should perform  
well (see R-D1 samples for evidence).  All they're going to provide  
is a way to get the focal length and max. aperture into the EXIF.   
The rest will be that vaunted Solms "fairy dust."

