Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/13

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Subject: [Leica] One colourful - One not
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Thu Apr 13 15:07:37 2006
References: <> <>


The size is now perfect on my monitor. You probably have a very high
resolution monitor. That makes the same file look smaller. Say you have
an image which is 600x400 dots (pixels) , just to pick a number. That
image will totally fill a screen when the resolution is set to 600x400.
If you have a monitor whose resolution is set to 1200 x 1200 then the
image will fill a little less than a quarter of the screen. the 600
pixels (dots) gets you half way along the 1200 pixel edge and the 400
pixels gets you a third of the way along the other 1200 pixel edge.

There is no "per inch here". That can get confusing. A monitor whose
resolution is 1200 pixels be 1200 pixels has one thousand two hundred
dots along each edge no matter how large or small it is. Ten feet or ten
inches. It doesn't matter. It is still only made up of 1200 x 1200 dots.
Higher resolution, meaning more dots along each edge, make the same image
look smaller, other things being equal, because the same number of dots
doesn't get you as far.

The numbers I used aren't real world numbers. Things like 1080 by 1224
are more like what you would se, but that would have made the math
harder! :-)



Rick Dykstra wrote:

> Here they are, rescaled to 900x600(ish).  Should fit most screens.
> Looks pretty small now, on mine.
> regards, Rick.
> On 14/04/2006, at 12:24 AM, wrote:
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 4/13/2006 9:22:42 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > Rick,
> >
> > I really like the colors and the use of depth of filed on  the
> > first one.
> > One suggestion, though. This image came through very large  on my
> > computer. Perhaps scaling it down a little would allow people to
> > see  the
> > entire image with out having to use scroll bars. Just a  suggestion.
> >
> > Banrey
> >
> >
> >
> > Yeah, I had to take the url to another browser that scales shots
> > to  view it.
> >  I think for most people, 600 pixels high is about the  limit.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sonny
> >
> > Natchitoches, Louisiana
> > Oldest continuous  settlement in La Louisiane
> > ?galit?, libert?,  crawfish
> >
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> > Leica Users Group.
> > See for more information
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

Barney Quinn, Jr.
(301) 688-1982 (O)
(240) 535-3036 (C)
(877) 220-0981 (P)

Replies: Reply from rdcb37 at (Rick Dykstra) ([Leica] One colourful - One not)
In reply to: Message from SonC at ( ([Leica] One colourful - One not)
Message from rdcb37 at (Rick Dykstra) ([Leica] One colourful - One not)