Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/21

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Subject: [Leica] Lets start a Leica equipment discussion
From: bquinn at (Barney Quinn)
Date: Tue Mar 21 08:41:13 2006
References: <> <5243-SnapperMsg4EA12C31C045A223@[]>


I think that every artist - in any field - has to find his or her own voice,
and I think that another way of thinking of learning to be a photographer, a
writer, a musician, or an artist is that it as a journey toward finding one's
own voice. Learning to take pictures in the style of HCB, write music in the
style of Beethoven, or paint pictures that look like Monet is an useful part
of the journey because it requires thinking about what you are perceiving and
then working out how to use the various technical things available to you so
that you can reproduce it. Beyond that I am wondering about the creative 
of imitating the work of a great master. Imitation may be the sincerest form
of flattery, but HCB was already there and already did that.

I think that in one sense you are exactly right. I play the cello in my 
life. To play like Yo-Yo Ma or Pierre Fournier or any master you should 
to name probably really does require both that you be born with some special
gifts, start your education while still quite young, and that you devote 
and hours and hours to learning your art. Fair enough. But, there's an
exclusionary implication to this arguement which I also think needs to be put
on the table. That's this. The blunt truth is that most of us aren't born 
the gifts to be virtuosi in any field. But, that doesn't mean that one can't
learn. There are very few tone deaf people. There are very few people who, if
they are motivated, can't learn to play the cello well enough to play in a
community orchestra, and there are some surprisingly good community 
around. There are very few people who, if they are willing to put in the
effort, can't learn to take decent photographs.

I know that you didn't say that people can't learn, and I know that you don't
believe that. I just wanted to say that just because most of us aren't born
with the special gifts of HCB doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. I am under
no illusions about the absolute level of my abilities as either a cellist or 
photographer. But, I think that the arts are of vital importance. I have no
idea why. It's just what I think. And, I think that learning to take 
write, play, whatever, is a wonderful journey and I think that each person 
goes on that journey makes the world a better place in ways I cant' explain.
And I definitly think that the world would be a much better place if more
people spent their time trying to learn to create rather then shooting at 

Sorry, just felt like posting something this morning,.


"B. D. Colen" wrote:

> The only way to get photos "like HCB" has nothing to do with what lenses
> you have in a drawer, or what camera you use them on; it is to be born with
> his artistic ability and sensibility. HCB would have shot "like HCB no
> matter what equipment he had used, as long as that equipment had allowed
> him to realize his vision. I'd concentrate on developing the vision, not
> trying to ape the style. ;-)
> B. D.
> ___
> Sent with SnapperMail
> ...... Original Message .......
> On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 20:13:17 -0800 Richard <>
> wrote:
> "Why not, we all have at least a Leica body or lens right?
> "
> "Most of us suffer from equipment-itis, you know, the urge to say, "If I
> "only have that XYZ, I can get that photo just like what's his name HCB!" I
> "contend that this is harder to do if you start the Leica obsession late so
> "you don't already have a drawer full of Elmars, Summicrons, etc. I mean if
> "the drawer already has a few ASPH 'luxes or 'crons of different focal
> "lengths, there aren't a whole lot of (logical) reasons to get anything
> else!
> "
> "Discuss,... or not.
> "
> "// richard (This email is for mailing lists. To reach me directly, please
> "use richard at
> "
> "
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Barney Quinn, Jr.
(301) 688-1982 (O)
(240) 535-3036 (C)
(877) 220-0981 (P)

Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Lets start a Leica equipment discussion)
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Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Lets start a Leica equipment discussion)