Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/09

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Subject: [Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals
From: walt at (Walt Johnson)
Date: Thu Mar 9 15:34:37 2006
References: <> <> <> <> <>

Four years in the Marine Corps, including time as a competitive shooter 
and time in Vietnam, left me with quite a knowledge base in weaponry. If 
you were to get caught holding your (you know what) in your hand when 
something bigger was needed a 9mm might look good.

I've heard the deer population argument from many sources but have a 
problem with the real motivation behind it. If these hunter's intentions 
are really magnanimous and their intentions are humane my point of view 
is in error. Personally though, I think it's just plain "I wanna blast 

One other thing and  I promise to shut up. I live in Florida where the 
overpopulations from New Jersey tourists is a huge problem. Any ideas 
for a solution?


>If you were to arm yourself to hunt men I wouldn't choose a 9mm.  If you
>want selective reduction of the herd then something with a very flat
>trajectory or a very large bullet that deflects little would be a good
>choice.  If non selective reduction is your goal then you would want
>something more akin to the Timothy McVea choice.  :)
>However, deer overpopulation is a real problem in many densly populated
>states.  New Jersey has a huge problem akin to Daniels where nothing edible
>is safe from the marauding mowers.  We could reintroduce wolves to the urban
>population and some are trying birth control but so far the only way to
>knock down deer populations is a long hunting season with does on the
>license.  Bows are a good choice in an urban environment as they carry at
>most a few hundred yards and if used fron a stand there is a only a very
>remote chance of unintended harm.
>On 3/9/06, Walt Johnson <> wrote:
>>A much better idea might be give him a 9mm and send him out on the
>>streets of a large city to reduce the most nefarious herd in the earth's
>>long history. Men who hunt men who have guns know real alacrity.
>>Don Dory wrote:
>>>Deer are a good source of high quality protein.  Venison is low in fat
>>>very rich in the B vitamins.  As good as you are with a Elmar, I think
>>>could handle a compound bow with alacrity.  Help the ecology by reducing
>>>herd to a steady state level, reduce the demand on factory farm output,
>>>enjoy a few more flowers.  Truly a win, win, win situation, except for
>>>deer. :)
>>Leica Users Group.
>>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information

Replies: Reply from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)
In reply to: Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)
Message from dlridings at (Daniel Ridings) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)
Message from walt at (Walt Johnson) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Daily Dose of Spring XXV Daffodils with Plum petals)