Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/07/12

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Subject: [Leica] Leica Digital M LCD Monitor
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon Jul 12 07:56:57 2004


I agree 100% with you.  There is way too much complaining about Digital vs
Film and also what the new Digital R or M will or will not have or how long
of a wait for them to arrive.  My only complaint is that the Digital R back
will most likely not be out by the time I leave for Europe on December 9th.
I guess I could get it over there.;-) Either way I will have my current
Leica film cameras to record the trip.  Either way it will be a blast.
OOPs, sorry all of you Homeland Security Types,  It will be a ton of fun!

Last night I started through your new book again and I find new insights
everytime I leaf through the pages.  One question, Was the OR really that
dark, or is it due to the bright lights over the table that it looks that


|         |           Ted Grant <>                 |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |           07/11/2004 05:01 PM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |       To:       Leica Users Group <>                  
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] Leica Digital M LCD Monitor                  

Greg Locke offered:
Subject: RE: [Leica] Leica Digital M LCD Monitor

 > If you are looking at histograms and other data while trying to make
> pictures you will never make decent pictures. It's no different then
> those stupid focusing formulas.
> If you can't take a picture, a histogram ain't going to help you. Most
> people on this list have been taking pictures long before we ever knew
> what a histogram was.<<<<<

Well now Pilgrim I know what that is. It's an operation a woman has
sometimes! A histogram. Isn't it? ;-)

> Photography is pretty simple actually.
> Set the exposure, focus the lens, compose, and push the button.
> We've been doing it a long time. Anything that gets in the middle of this
> system or otherwise complicates the issue will actually degrade the
> spontaneity and "decisive moment of photography.
> That's it!! It doesn't matter if its film, digital or Liquid Light on
> cheese.<<<<<<,

Hi Greg,
Right on mon ami!! If one get's off on all the techie twidding things I
suppose it's great to know. But sometimes techie stuff doesn't do a damn
thing for the ability of the photographer to take instinct ... "this is the
moment.... click!" photos. Oh yes of course there are some points that
assist. However, me being techie challenged I can't think of one.

Start twiddling those histie things and other mystical twiddling knobs,
pushing buttons and you'll find what you were going to shoot will now be in
a film photographer's camera or developed.

For all my years of shooting manual cameras and now using the Digilux 2,
with a Canon G5 back-up, I've a far greater success rate by setting
everything on automatic and having the greatest time of snapping away.

While "chimping!" later looking at the results.

If one puts all the techie stuff aside and uses a digital camera as a
and never mind what the chip covers or doesn't cover just use the damn
machine in your hands, shut-up and have fun taking pictures! You'll find
photography is still a great deal of fun and satisfaction.

However, constantly thinking about the size of the chip, shutter delay and
the many other attendant issues and you'll be one miserable photog!

Look we all understand the chip thing for recording isn't perfect at the
moment, so big deal. Besides it's not likely any of you are going to have a
new Leica digital body in hand within the next little while. So why not
the damn whining, use what the hell you have and take some pictures with
what ever kind of image capturing device you have i hand!" Is that so hard
to understand!

Have a nice time taking pictures at whatever venue in life you choose. :-)
With whatever camera you own, film or digital...

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Replies: Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] WAS: Leica Digital M LCD Monitor. NOW - EXPOSURES.)