Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2025/03/02

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Subject: [Leica] I came over to the dark side
From: don.dory at (Don Dory)
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 18:21:35 -0600
References: <PH7PR84MB31840794CD12F408E139D18CB8CE2@PH7PR84MB3184.NAMPRD84.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>

I have subscribed to the Adobe subscription for a long time.  The tools are
incredible but like anything judgement is required.  If it is journalism
like Chris Crawford is doing then I restrict myself to exposure, dodge,
burn and spotting.

On the other hand if it is impresdionistic the all the tools are on the

To Brians question the late addition of upsampling mostly works but can
occasionally fail miserably.  Just keep your originals sacrosanct.

On Sun, Mar 2, 2025, 3:55 PM Aram Langhans via LUG <lug at>

> Yep.  I actually purchased the Adobe Photographer subscription a while
> back before the prices went up.  I have not done much with it yet
> preferring to stick with Lightroom 6 and CS6, but I  have gotten curious
> about the AI abilities in removing objects.  I have to say I am mostly
> impressed.  Here are a few examples from a recent trip to Leavenworth.
> They are doing a lot of construction along the main drag so there was
> lots of equipment interfering with the usual nice views, so I took some
> shots anyway specifically to try the AI removal tools in LR and
> Photoshop. Here are the results.
> Original Image with some offending outhouses: Leavenworth WA-1004237
> <
> >
> A little AI removal: Leavenworth WA-1004237-Edit
> <
> >
> Another original image with trucks and structures: Leavenworth
> WA-1004234
> <
> >
> And AI removal: Leavenworth WA-1004234-Edit
> <
> >
> If you were to blow them up and look carefully I am sure you could see
> they were worked on.  For one thing, the AI synthisized image is much
> lower resolution than the Q3 original image.  I think it is 1 or 2 K
> resolution.  And of course there would be a few artifacts that if I was
> really industrious I would have to work on.  But by and large they took
> a totally unacceptable image and made it into a pretty good mediocre
> image in my unskilled hands.  Maybe you are an old hand at this so these
> seem pretty amateurish to you.  Maybe I will work on it or maybe I will
> just take more time to line shots up that do not require the use of this
> tool.  Be a real photographer rather than a technician.
> Comments welcome.
> Aram
> --
> Aram Langhans
> (Semi) Retired Science Teacher
> & Unemployed photographer
> ?The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin himself
> would ever have dared dream.?   James D. Watson
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> Leica Users Group.
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Replies: Reply from tmanley at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] I came over to the dark side)
In reply to: Message from leica_r8 at (Aram Langhans) ([Leica] I came over to the dark side)