Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/10/18
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]OK RAB BABY I'M WITH YOU ABOUT ALL THIS "THUMBAR crap"! Anyone who requires a "s0ft focus"? photograph is already into dumb-ass nonsense! What I can't understand is? Here is LEICA all these years extolling the fantastic sharpness and crispness of the LEICA lenses and then they come out with a piece of crap called the "THUMBAR LENS????" Yep maybe for the odd "portrait photog?" HECK do I want a soft'misty look? I'll just give a very slight smear of Vaseline! What is happening in Germany is"The head guys know they're going into the dump bucket because they are still living in the'30's?????????? WHEN THEY WERE STILL DOING VERY WELL IN SELLING TO THE WORKING TRIBES OF NEWS AND PHOTOJOURNALISTS! TODAY? THEY ARE GOING INTO THE CRAP BUCKET!!!!!:-( WHY??????????? UNFORTUNATELY DUE TO THE CAMERA MARKET AROUND THE WORLD PRODUCING "CAMERAS FOR TODAY! AT A PRICE GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHERS OF TODAY CAN'T AFFORD! Economically as of these past years? Camera's/LEICA's have been far more for the "super rich" of the profession?" Or wealthy folks of the world! We on the outside of the elites of the world? The big time leica CAMERA/maker owners "DO NOT LISTEN TO US" Many of us who've used Leica's almost since the early '50's OR EARLIER until today. Me? Not one LEICA @ a time! However, quite often 3 M's hanging around my neck on my chest! Yes up to date models every time new versions came to market. Plus 2 slr's and motors on my left shoulder and another on my right shoulder and all 6 cameras with various lenses! Of course not on every assignment, but most Olympics, winter and summer, professional football & many years in the operating rooms of Canada,across the USA, with a fair number in the USSR while creating my books about the medical profession in the operating & recovery rooms of hospitals!! Sorry for my rambling! But as I see LEICA AND THEIR DUMB ASS EXECUTIVES destroying LEICA as the great camera machines we've all used many many years? I've just become absolutely ticked off with their modern day stupidity! A "THUMBAR LENS?" They'd be better off making lenses for the IPHONE! Or the complete I CAMERAS! Simply because photography is going to continue to advance until the IPHONE becomes the camera of complete communication! OH YOU DON'T BELEIVE ME?????? OK just sit back and watch for the LEICA IPHONE?? A somewhat distraught old LEICA photojournalist! CHEERS, Dr.Ted Grant O.C. --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.