Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/12/16

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Subject: [Leica] Gun control
From: ricc at (Ric Carter)
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 08:41:59 -0500
References: <> <> <>

so true

we're not ALL nutcases here, but there is a huge amount of delusion about 
the real world


On Dec 16, 2012, at 12:09 AM, Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at> 

> Of course, you have no aberrations in the USA. No desolate and bombed
> out cities to photograph. No right wing loonie policemen
> misinterpreting legal statutes. The government does not open posts,
> eavesdrop on telephone conversations, monitor internet chat rooms,
> rummage through locked luggage, etc. All because of one terrorist
> incident, which the rest of the world faces more regularly, and
> largely created by the USA's own astonishingly short sighted foreign
> policy. Only the third world has all these problems. How stupid of me,
> I should have known all these things. (-:
> By the way, the girls were released in a few hours, and the cases
> withdrawn because of the public anger stoked by the media.
> On the other hand, all Asian cities I have been to are very safe by
> any standard. You can walk around without worry at 2 am, even in
> cities with abysmal poverty levels like Mumbai, Bangkok or Kuala
> Lumpur. Toddlers do not get randomly massacred by gun toting loonies.
> I have never heard a gun fired in the cities in my life of 60 years. I
> have held a gun in my hand just once in my life. Manliness and self
> respect is not equated to bearing arms and killing all living things.
> You takes your pick....
> The most fallacious argument is this rise/fall in acts of crime. In
> percentage terms this might look massive, but in absolute terms the
> data speaks differently. Marginal changes on a low base leads to high
> percentage swings, but very low absolute differences.
> Cheers
> Jayanand
> Sent from my iPad
> On 16-Dec-2012, at 1:24 AM, Chris Crawford <chris at 
>> wrote:
>> Jayandand's country, India, threw two teenage girls in jail a couple weeks
>> ago because one of them posted a comment on Facebook about a dead
>> politician that angered his followers, and the other girl  merely "liked"
>> the first girl's post. Both were arrested.
>> --
>> Chris Crawford
>> Fine Art Photography
>> Fort Wayne, Indiana
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>> On 12/15/12 2:29 PM, "jon.streeter" <jon.streeter at> wrote:
>>> Do "most Asian countries" have a constitution with the guarantees of
>>> freedom of the press and the right of the people to keep and bear arms,
>>> in writing with a history of high-court decisions affirming those rights?
>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
>>> ----- Reply message -----
>>> From: "Jayanand Govindaraj" <jayanand at>
>>> To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at>
>>> Subject: [Leica] Gun control
>>> Date: Sat, Dec 15, 2012 10:03 am
>>> Most Asian countries have all these things. It is by no means restricted
>>> only to the USA.
>>> Cheers
>>> Jayanand
>>> On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Phil Forrest
>>> <photo.forrest at>wrote:
>>>> Most countries in the East also don't have the freedoms of speech,
>>>> religion, press like we do here. Right to due process of law. Innocence
>>>> until proven guilty by a jury of one's peers. Right to a speedy trial.
>>>> Right to be secure in one's effects. Equal protection under the law for
>>>> all citizens. Right to vote. The list goes down the Bill of Rights and
>>>> through the rest of the US Constitution. No matter what nation says
>>>> they have it right, they are wrong. Nobody is perfect, including the
>>>> USA but here in the USA we have these rights and many are willing to
>>>> give their lives to protect them.
>>>> Phil Forrest
>>>> On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:11:42 +0800
>>>> David Ching <davidhhching1 at> wrote:
>>>>> Most countries in the East ban possession of fire-arms by individuals
>>>>> and unlicensed bodies. Schools here do not have metal detectors.
>>>>> The students in general study in safe environments little affected by
>>>>> violence, drugs or extortion. Only bullying by peers rears its ugly
>>>>> head in certain schools. We watch the same violent movies. Have the
>>>>> same concerns about safety. This is the 21st century. Why does
>>>>> Americans need to have guns for self-protection? Stop shooting games
>>>>> & hunting with bullets. 'Shoot' with glass! Capture not kill not
>>>>> maim. It's time to act when little innocent kids get killed and
>>>>> scarred for life.
>>>>> It's indeed a very sad day in the history of the USA. And I am
>>>>> certain some other shooter will try to outdo this latest insane act.
>>>>> Mark, the firearms industry and gun toting lovers will always defend
>>>>> the right to arms. Until one of their kind is personally affected, I
>>>>> suppose. Sorry but I don't see the logic. Perhaps our differences in
>>>>> lifestyles account for this madness. It's not matter of the East
>>>>> versus the West. The Europeans do not bear arms.
>>>>> As I see it, the only way out is a total ban on guns for the civilian
>>>>> population. Of course with the usual exceptions..
>>>>> David Ching
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Replies: Reply from ricc at (Ric Carter) ([Leica] Gun control)
In reply to: Message from jon.streeter at (jon.streeter) ([Leica] Gun control)
Message from chris at (Chris Crawford) ([Leica] Gun control)
Message from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] Gun control)