Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/12/03
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Agree with you Bill! But this is a Leica forum... Few are hoping that with the forthcoming M and the probable surge of buyers, prices of the lenses may finally drop to more palatable levels due to lower costs as a result of volume sales. Highly optimistic and unlikely if past experiences with cars go. Remember when Toyota and Honda decided to go up market? Even volume makers know when to milk the cow. Nokia with Vertu? Can one realistically expect Leica to bring down its prices? And lose a legion of new rich fan boys? Stop kidding ourselves, buy a good old Leica. Keep the used market affordable. The real pros will continue to buy the best and latest Nikons and Canons. After all the best of these two aren't cheap either! So why bother to reinvest in a Leica that obviously is always going to play catch-up with the Canikons/Nikanons? At least in terms of camera bodies. But diehards like us may still save for the M. Pity the rest of the world who do not drive Lexus or Acuras while using Vertus and hence unlikely to embrace the only rangefinder system left standing called LEICA. David Ching