Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/11/29

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Subject: [Leica] Subject: Re: Fuji X 100 versus Leica M9
From: jon.streeter at (jon.streeter)
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 14:21:28 -0800

I really like my X-100.  I'm not saying I've shot a LOT of photos with it, 
but I had to start using exponents when expressing the number. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

----- Reply message -----
From: "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols at>
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at>
Subject: [Leica] Subject: Re: Fuji X 100 versus Leica M9
Date: Thu, Nov 29, 2012 1:02 pm

I'm waiting to see your X-100 images.  I sometimes wish I had one of those.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nathan Wajsman" <photo at>
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] Subject: Re: Fuji X 100 versus Leica M9

> While you guys read dpreview, I take pictures.
> Nathan Wajsman
> Alicante, Spain
> Blog:
> On Nov 29, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Mark Rabiner wrote:
>> " The body of the RX1 is clearly smaller (than the fuji X 100) but the >> 
>> lens
>> (which is actually 35mm, rather than being equivalent to 35mm) is longer.
>> Neither of these cameras is pocketable, but equally, neither is anywhere
>> near as large or obvious as a DSLR."
>> Mark William Rabiner
>> Photography
>>> From: Mark William Rabiner <mark at>
>>> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>>> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 14:59:32 -0500
>>> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Subject: Re: Fuji X 100 versus Leica M9
>>> Sorry for being unclear I know that the RX1 is in one respect not the
>>> digital Rollei 35 and or Oly XA as it would not fit in a jeans pocket 
>>> >>> like
>>> they can.
>>> (its the 1.5 crop bodies coming out in the next year which I expect to 
>>> >>> fit
>>> in a jeans pocket)
>>> The lens though overwhelms me and in really a good way.
>>> Yes that might be the aspect of the system which makes it not >>> 
>>> pocketable.
>>> But what a lens!
>>> I think their thought is to make it worthy of a lens which is not
>>> interchangeable.
>>> My God is it gorgeous! It takes my breath away!
>>> Possibly a classic like the Zeiss 40mm Tessar and then Sonar that came 
>>> >>> with
>>> the Rollei 35. (I have the Tessar from the first year of manufacture in
>>> Germany)
>>> How could a lens that gorgeous not make premium images is my only
>>> impression.
>>> By the way you can fully see the lens here and also the camera compared 
>>> >>> to
>>> the Fuji.
>>> i_top.jpg
>>> To me it bears the verisimilitude of a real camera.
>>> And I spelt that right the first time...
>>> In a way its about the same size but in a way its a tad smaller. A lot 
>>> >>> less
>>> long from side to side. But fatter.
>>> So in a way were looking at a smaller body but with a larger sensor.
>>> Smaller body
>>> Larger sensor
>>> Both at once.
>>> Big news.
>>> And full frame compacts from the rest of the industry are sure to be >>> 
>>> nipping
>>> at its heels and some will be smaller. And I expect some will be even
>>> pocketable.
>>> I'm excited!
>>> The hang up was not technology. It was the marketing people.
>>> They just didn't think a small full frame compact at a full DSLR price 
>>> >>> point
>>> would go over.
>>> It think they're going to be proved way wrong and they know that already 
>>> >>> as
>>> I'm betting Nikon, Canon, Oly, Panasonic and maybe even Leica has a full
>>> frame compact halfway down the drawing boards.
>>> I don't think wishful thinking but we'll find out soon enough.
>>> Mark William Rabiner
>>> Photography
>>>> From: John McMaster <john at>
>>>> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>>>> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 19:26:07 +0000
>>>> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Leica] Subject: Re: Fuji X 100 versus Leica M9
>>>> I am assuming that you have at least seen pictures of the  RX1? While 
>>>> >>>> its
>>>> body
>>>> may be a little smaller than the X100 (which has both optical and >>>> 
>>>> electronic
>>>> viewfinders built in) its lens is huge, the bare RX1 lens sticks out 
>>>> >>>> further
>>>> and far wider than the X100 with hood. I would not expect it to fit in 
>>>> >>>> my
>>>> jeans pocket, possibly into lower pockets on cargo pants......
>> _
>>>> top.jpg
>>>> This shot also shows that the Sony has no shutter speed dial
>>>> john
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> If they're going to make smaller than full frame compacts they are 
>>>>> >>>>> going to
>>>>> have to be truly pocketable.
>>>>> They have to not almost fit in your pocket like an RX1 does.
>>>>> They have to fit in your jeans pocket.
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