Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/07/30
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Mark Rabiner OFFERED: >>>One thing I've never done but would love to do is shoot some Hockey. That would be a real test of ones reflexes.<<< OK so here's your first lesson on shooting ice hockey. :-) Piece of cake really. You just have to be in the right seat and have the right lens with the reflexes of a cat or faster! ;-) 1/ YOUR LOCATION SHOULD BE AT THE BOARDS RIGHT INLINE WITH THE GOALIE! In effect shooting across the ice and not behind the goalie. You can move BEHIND for the third period just for something different. 2/ A LEICA OF YOUR CHOICE WITH A 90MM LENS. Motor drive or fast Tom Abrahamsson's RapidWinder works beautifully! It's preferred, not to machine gun film or pixels. But to shoot as fast as possible simply because when the action gets hot in front of the net you want that camera clicking quickly as things are moving and changing rapidly. Don't think about it! Just shoot it! If you are wasting time giving any thought, you will miss the puck as it goes in the net! It is very important to be right in line with the goalie or the net posts as this lens length will give you lots of nice full frame images as the jam-ups occur in front of the net. 3/ A second body, maybe with a 100mm for players faces and tighter images of the goalie! 4/ Some also use a 300mm for shooting toward the other end. I never bother as rarely are they any good. Unless a fight breaks out on the ice then it's of some use. My suggestion on this use is...... "whack the guy who started the fight a good one on the side of his head!!" "A REAL GOOD ONE, THEN CLAIM ACCIDENTAL SLIP OUT OF YOUR HANDS! BUT GIVE HIM ONE HE'LL REMEMBER THE NEXT TIME HE THINKS HE WANTS TO FIGHT! INSTEAD OF SHOWING HOW SKILLED HE IS AT... putting the puck in the net!" Simply because ice hockey is about skill in skating, stick handling and "PLAYING THE GAME!" Not the damn violence we see so much of these days encouraged by the team owners who know there is nothing like "a fight to bring out the "MENTALLY RETARDED PAYING MIND DEAD MORON FANS " for the next game! IE: More money in the owners pockets!! It does seem I have a bit of an attitude about fighting and playing hockey! :-) WHY? Its a beautiful game of a humans' ability for speed, skill of body and stick in hands while putting the puck in the net. I played lots of it as I grew up and onto high school teams. Loved it for it's speed of motion and scoring a goal! There now, next time you hear of a hockey game being played, all you need is a front row seat right at the boards and inline with the goal mouth and a 90mm lens and yer off to some great action! Oh yeah don't get all hottied-up about shooting through the rinkside glass protecting you from sizzling pucks through the air and or a stick in the head. You will probably be shooting wide open or nearly so and the lens right at the glass. So anything on the glass will be out of focus and if your using a Leica nothing will show but your great skill at shooting hockey !! :-) So off you go now lad and post a few come the fall! :-) We'll be watching! :-) cheers, Dr. ted.