Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2011/12/19
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]John: You do not have to set the white balance when shooting RAW (DNG). Many applications, including Capture One and Lightroom, will pick up the in-camera settings and initially display the picture using the balance you set. But if you goofed or left it at yesterday's setting, all you have to do is change it in the RAW development software. The in-camera setting is *not* cooked into the actual pixels, it's just a tag. I often try to set the white balance roughly correct beforehand. But if I don't get it right, all I have to do is find something white or gray in one of the pictures, click the eyedropper on it, apply that setting to the whole batch, and then fine-tune by eye. Just like with any other RAW file from any other digital camera I've met. --Peter > Holy Doodle! Strolling through the M8 manual and online bafflegab, I get the > distinct impression that you have to set the white balance even in DNG; or, > in other words, you are not actually getting a true raw format. On all my > other digital cameras, I shoot raw and set the WB in LR or PS. > > Say it ain't so, Ernst, > > John