Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/05/16

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Subject: [Leica] Friday Flower -- An orchid -- C&C welcome + to Peter
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 23:20:55 +0200
References: <76b41783060477f1956dd835dd1c6ca3@>

pwerner wrote:

> Hi Philippe,
> I know the DMR to be better than the G1 (I have not really tested by 
> how much), but my back tells me he does not like to carry the weight 
> and bulk of the DMR + lenses and accessories any longer. Not long ago, 
> I bought a Nikon D700 to use my old Nikon glass but I am not satisfied 
> with the results, mainly as far as color rendition is concerned.
> Until now I have not found a situation in my sort of shooting (mainly 
> outside or inside with good lighting) where the G1 would not 
> accomplish what I need. Sharpness and color fidelity are excellent, 
> the weak point being noise at higher ISO, which I do not miss. My max. 
> print size is A3 and there is no problem with that, even when cropping.
> With the vast array of MF lenses that can be used with adapters, the 
> only lens type I am still looking for is an extreme wide angle. I am 
> thinking of the 12mm VC Heliar but have not made up my mind; perhaps I 
> shall opt for the 9-18mm Olympus instead.
> Apart from the kit lens, my preferred lens for traveling light, I have 
> an excellent 25mm/2.0 Macro Kinoptik as normal focal length,  18mm and 
> a 50mm/2.0 Cooke Speed Panchros. For macro I have the choice between 
> the Kinoptik, the 50mm Kern Macro Switar (my prefered lens for macro) 
> and the 100mm/2.8 Macro Elmarit R, when needed with the 2x extender. 
> Apart from these, I can play around with a nearly endless array of old 
> lenses in Alpa Reflex, Exakta, Leica M and R, Nikon, M42, C-mount and 
> more, some of them over 50 years old.
> The results I am getting from these MF lenses, on the G1 are 
> excellent; I rarely use the AF kit zoom. Manual focusing with the 
> focus assist is very easy, I would say better than with a "real" DSLR.
> Whar is your current gear, are you thinking of the G1, too?

Yes, for sure.
Along with anything that would deliver higher pixel count than the L1, 
and less noisy high ISO.
Yet, so far, the L1 is the only digital camera I've seen on the market 
that is as intuitive as a (Leica) film camera.
I might have to wait a little longer as I hate menus and am addicted to 
analog settings switches/buttons, etc.
I had waited for the R 9.2 Diesel, then the L10; well, the G2 perhaps?

BTW: I read that Pana are about to release a 7-14 for the G1, you might 
be bettter off waiting a bit for your superwide then.
If the quality matches the current 4/3 Oly 7-14, then you should be 
fully satisfied.
I'm waiting too until I decide on my next steps.

Viele Grusse

> Cheers
> Peter
> ----------------original message-----------------
> De: "Philippe AMARD" <philippe.amard at>
> A: "pwerner" <pwerner at>
> Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 07:16:30 +0200
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Hi Peter, do you mean to say that you currently prefer the G1 to the 
>> DMR ???!!
>> Or from what I see on your thread, are you still investigating the 
>> limimts of the gear?
>> Tell me more about this, and particularly the G1, please.
>> Schone Tag.
>> Grusse
>> Philippe
>> pwerner wrote:
>>> >We have an expert on the LUG, a Swiss, but I haven't seen him 
>>> posting for a while,
>>> Thank you Philippe for thinking of me.
>>> >always find orchids VERY difficult to shoot - both texture and shape +
>>> > light in one shot is a real challenge.
>>> I am now manily shooting with the G1. Although I still have both an 
>>> R9+DMR and an M8, they are mainly sleeping on a shelf. My connection 
>>> with the Leica world is no longer very strong, although I do use 
>>> some Leica glass on the G1.
>>> It is a coincidence that I started today on another forum a thread 
>>> comparing an orchid picture taken with the G1 and the Nikon D700. 
>>> Sorry for cross-posting, but if you are interested you can see it on
>>> I did not see a link to the orchid picture you were referring in 
>>> your post; I shall be glad to answer any questions you may have. I 
>>> agree that orchids are quite difficult to get right.
>>> Cheers
>>> Peter 
>>> ----------------original message-----------------
>>> De: "Philippe AMARD" <philippe.amard at> 
>>> <mailto:philippe.amard at>
>>> A: "Gary Dalton" <grdalton at> <mailto:grdalton at 
>>> Copie ?: "Peter M.C. Werner" <pwerner at> 
>>> <mailto:pwerner at>
>>> Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 22:15:05 +0200
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> slowly?
>>>> Well, this one is fine Gary
>>>> I always find orchids VERY difficult to shoot - both texture and 
>>>> shape + light in one shot is a real challenge.
>>>> We have an expert on the LUG, a Swiss, but I haven't seen him 
>>>> posting for a while, if he reads this, he might give us some 
>>>> advice. I think it's Peter W
>>>> Chuss Peter :-)
>>>> Keep trying and sharing Gary.
>>>> Bien cordialement
>>>> Thank you Philippe for remembering me
>>>> Gary Dalton wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for looking.... I'm learning, ever so slowly....
>>>>> > Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 20:53:06 +0200
>>>>> > From: philippe.amard at <mailto:philippe.amard at>
>>>>> > To: lug at <mailto:lug at>
>>>>> > Subject: Re: [Leica] Friday Flower -- An orchid -- C&C welcome
>>>>> >
>>>>> > A very interesting species - looks like Jaws, played soft.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Happy to see FF from your quarters Gary.
>>>>> > Keep them coming I love it.
>>>>> > Ph
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Ric Carter wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > not an abstract OF a flower, but an abstract flower
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > ric
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > On May 15, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Gary Dalton wrote:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Here's a specimen from the Conservatory in Golden Gate Park, San
>>>>> > >> Francisco.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > _______________________________________________
>>>>> > > Leica Users Group.
>>>>> > > See for more 
>>>>> information
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>> > Leica Users Group.
>>>>> > See for more information
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> Hotmail? has a new way to see what's up with your friends. Check 
>>>>> it out. 
>>>>> <>
>>> We have an expert on the LUG, a Swiss, but I haven't seen him 
>>> posting for a while, if he reads this, he might give us some advice. 
>>> I think it's Peter W