Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/02/27

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Subject: [Leica] How the LTM windfall came about...
From: h_arche at (H. Ball Arche)
Date: Fri Feb 27 06:34:15 2009

>I will honor the gift.

You already have.

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, Ken Frazier <> wrote:

> From: Ken Frazier <>
> Subject: [Leica] How the LTM windfall came about...
> To:
> Date: Friday, February 27, 2009, 7:06 AM
> Leica friends,
> I thought it might be appropriate to let you know how this
> windfall came to be.
> The man who brought these to my office was the father of a
> Marine killed in Iraq last year, one of my parishioners. 
> For weeks following the son's death, in numerous painful
> meetings with Marine Corps representatives, his company
> commander who flew in from Iraq, having to review painful
> documents, signing insurance papers, etc. -- for all that
> time, and months after, I was with the family 5 or 6 days a
> week, sometimes for an hour, sometimes for half a day,
> trying to do my best to hold them together, helping them
> negotiate the red tape, keeping them from doing something
> stupid, reading reports they could not bear to read, taking
> their anger when they had no one else to vent on, and it
> continues to this day, the work I do with them and for them.
> I do not write this to make it sound as if I deserve
> anything.  I suppose I write to let you all know how good it
> is to know that "you are there," and I can share
> in some way my good fortune with you.  I also write this to
> make sure we all know the costs of a stupid and bloody and
> senseless war.  The father's grateful gift to me was
> tinged with bitterness, as all true gifts are, in a way.  
> So, yes, these cameras and lenses will be used, not put on
> a shelf.  I will honor the gift.
> my peace to us all,
> Ken
> ---------------------------------------
> sent via .mac webmail from:
> Ken Frazier
> Senior Minister
> First Congregational Church
> Waterbury, Connecticut
> ---------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
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In reply to: Message from kennybod at (Ken Frazier) ([Leica] How the LTM windfall came about...)