Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/09/22

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Subject: IMG: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Mon Sep 22 04:39:39 2008
References: <8A13D02E277F4A0483064C40139D733D@dadquad><A326EFE9545E4869B72591C7D8545AD9@dadquad> <> <D511F0B854E444D7B865C639FD9EC40E@dadquad>

Geoff Hopkinson wrote:

>Thanks Philippe. I made a different DoF decision here since I wanted the
>whole area of textured trunk. You would be proud of me, lying on a damp dirt
>track for my art! There were two large kangaroos near by and I distinctly
>heard them sniggering. I do love the dappled light and shapes of the first
>better though. Shall I post in the subtle original colour too? 

The one I saw is in clour Geoff  ;-)

We sometimes tend to forget how difficult a take can be sometimes , and 
of course also sometimes we only judge others by their results, just as 
the layman would.
I was reminded of this on Saturday night when, attending my best 
friend's 50ieth birthday, I tried to get some, some, of the atmosphere 
our Wedding Expert has  got me into the bad habit of liking too much ;-)
Watching my unedited batch Sunday morning I appreciated his consistent, 
wonderful, whatever the time of year or season, excellent results. And 
all the more so as none of mu shots ever came close to one of his 
The learning curve may be steep, but it is always a pleasure to climb it 
with photography lovers such as the pack on the LUG.

Bien amicalement

>To add a
>technical note, see the exposure with NO compensation dialled in for the
>capture. NO clipping. That sensor works fine for dynamic range, I think.
>Shots where I tried influencing the metering had much less range.   
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of
>Philippe AMARD
>Sent: Monday, 22 September 2008 15:03
>To: Leica Users Group
>Subject: Re: IMG: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk
>Well Geoff, this one works even better for me - you get a subtle transition
>from the trunk bark to the foliage and sky. Great job.
>Thanks for sharing
>Geoff Hopkinson wrote:
>>Folks another view of my tree from yesterday, so eloquently nick-named 
>>'Ent-Wife' by Ric. This time colour, shot with Zeiss f4 18mm on the M8 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf 
>>Of Geoff Hopkinson
>>Sent: Sunday, 21 September 2008 14:30
>>To: 'Leica Users Group'
>>Subject: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk
>>Folks a couple from my walk this morning. Ssh don't tell, it was on new 
>>firmware with Auto ISO and didn't blow up when I pressed the button.
>>1.    A sharp picture, 
>>2.    One just for fun. Lantana for Jim, Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo for Doug.
>>The 35 Summicron requires great skill for wildlife photography
>>3.    A rather lovely tree I found. Caution contains evil Photoshop
>>conversion. In this one I spotted out three bees before I realised they 
>>they were in fact not dirt on my sensor!
>>Three pics start here
>>Leica Users Group.
>>See for more information
>>Leica Users Group.
>>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information

In reply to: Message from hoppyman at (Geoff Hopkinson) ([Leica] IMG: on my morning walk)
Message from hoppyman at (Geoff Hopkinson) (IMG: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk)
Message from philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD) (IMG: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk)
Message from hoppyman at (Geoff Hopkinson) (IMG: [Leica] IMG: on my morning walk)