Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/07/30

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Subject: [Leica] travel advice, vancouver island
From: glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer)
Date: Mon Jul 30 20:23:49 2007
References: <>


On Vancouver Island, I doubt if you could do better than Sook Harbour.  
The hotel and restaurant
are world class.


leo wesson wrote:
> My wife, young daughter and I are looking at spending about a week on
> Vancouver Island in October, probably stay in Victoria for a few days and
> then find a cabin/cottage in the woods or on the ocean.  Suggestions?
> Thanks!
> Leo
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Replies: Reply from rsphotoimages at (Bob Shaw) ([Leica] travel advice, vancouver island)
In reply to: Message from leowesson at (leo wesson) ([Leica] travel advice, vancouver island)