Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/07/12

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Subject: [Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....
From: kcassidy at (Kyle Cassidy)
Date: Thu Jul 12 13:24:07 2007

as they say "hooah!" 

I've had it three days now and haven't figured out exactly how to take a 
photo with it yet (red dot white dot, white dot white dot, white dot what?) 
it seems to have all the worst features of both a 4x5 and an Edsel. One of 
the things that really confused me, apart from multiple shutters which must 
be "tensioned" one way or the other depending on the day of the week, was 
the incorporation of a dark slide, which I immediately misplaced and didn't 
care, figuring "i'll never use this" -- then took the magazine off only to 
discover many hours later after banging the two pieces together, that one 
cannot put the magazine back on the camera without the DARK SLIDE.

it LOOKS good though. and hopefully, i'll get film to pass through it this 

THEN y'all are in trouble!


Hasselblad Joe

Replies: Reply from dlr at (Daniel Ridings) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from red735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from jsmith342 at (Jeffery Smith) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from glehrer at (Jerry Lehrer) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from kenfphoto at (Ken Firestone) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from kennybod at (Kenneth Frazier) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from luisripoll at (Luis Ripoll) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)
Reply from s.dimitrov at (slobodan dimitrov) ([Leica] In which Kyle buys a Hasselblad....)