Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/06/15

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Subject: [Leica] Printer Purgatory
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Fri Jun 15 07:59:10 2007

On 6/15/07 10:16 AM, "Leonard Taupier" <> typed:

> Peter,
> You've been getting some good advice since this post but let me add
> my .02
> I only use Epson printers. I have the R800, the R1800 and the Pro
> 3800. Both the R800 and R1800 are wonderful printers for color and
> especially for glossy prints. I bought the 3800 primarily for b&w
> printing as this is where the other two are lacking. I cannot get a
> true black image from either. There is always a slight purple cast to
> the print. The gloss optimizer gives the 800 and 1800 a clear edge
> over the 3800 for glossy color prints.  I have never had an ink clog
> with any of the printers. The 3800 and it's little brother the 2400
> were optimized for the best possible b&w prints. There is no color
> cast. Since you don't need the larger printer I would get the 2400
> and not play around with the R200 or R300 which may not do the job
> for you.
> Oh. I also only use Epson ink.
> Regards,
> Len

Just a note brought out in a shutterbug article on the 3800.

When you buy a 3800 you are getting in effect 500 dollars with of pigment

Subtract that from the cost of the printer it is cheaper than the 2400.

This and the more modern print engine and the fact that its not that big
even if you mainly did letter sized prints the 3800 would still be maybe
your best bet. I'd say for sure the one to get.

I don't think Peter, as I know him, would want a printer with gloss
optimizer designed for glossy color non pigment prints but just the

Matt pigment black and whites.

It used to be Epson had a letter sized version of their pigment printers.
For some reason that's not the case any more.

But the 2400's not worth it compared to the 3800. A printer you can really
fly with. Sets you free.

Rock and Roll

Mark Rabiner
Harlem, NY

Replies: Reply from hoppyman at (G Hopkinson) ([Leica] Printer Purgatory)
Reply from gregj.lorenzo at (GREG LORENZO) ([Leica] Printer Purgatory)
Reply from len-1 at (Leonard Taupier) ([Leica] Printer Purgatory)
Reply from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] Printer Purgatory)
In reply to: Message from len-1 at (Leonard Taupier) ([Leica] Printer Purgatory)