Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/04/21

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Subject: [Leica] IMG M8 natural light portrait
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Sat Apr 21 14:52:31 2007

On 4/21/07 5:23 PM, "Hugh Thompson" <> typed:

> Mark - you are right, it depends on how it is done and for what
> purpose.  Many people, like me, want to see heavy, punchy color,
> that's what I am trying to do now actually, and will post some shortly.
> Of course we could always chide Mark Rabiner a little, and suggest he
> show us how he does it ....... !
> Hugh
> On 21-Apr-07, at 11:18 AM, MARK DAVISON wrote:
>> I would gently take issue with Mark's claim that he is the only one
>> who desaturates--the look is quite common in advertising
>> photography in the last 5 years, and in some movies.
I admit my output 
Or upload put is few and far between

But I did do this from this year.

And on it is
There's yeller in them those glasses
You have to squint to make it out

The one we talked most about being

Basically a punched down color thing. By now all the color is gone and I
have to re upload it again.

Soon with GoLive going with CS3 I will be a Dreamweaver kinda guy with the
rest of the Lemmings I believe you can get me through the night but I might
barf first with that song in my head and my site will be current and up to
Whens that going to be three weeks?

With glistening Sante Fe imagery. LHSA'ers in caves meeting their ancestors
for the first time.

But I'm not big on people who don't put their money where their mouth is.
I built a room to house my body of work. Now that room is being used for
what I don't know. My stuff is in a cubic storage unit one of two really
costing me more than my rent in Portland was when I moved there 30 years
ago.  I have hundreds of fiber 16x20s. and 11x14s. When I see them again I
don't know.
But I have lots of stuff on a hard disk here. A couple hundred gigs worth.

Mark Rabiner
New York, NY

Replies: Reply from hewthompson at (Hugh Thompson) ([Leica] IMG M8 natural light portrait)
In reply to: Message from hewthompson at (Hugh Thompson) ([Leica] IMG M8 natural light portrait)