Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/04/15

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Subject: [Leica] Santa Fe show
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Sun Apr 15 15:21:02 2007

On 4/15/07 12:31 PM, "Charcot" <> typed:

> Phil - just got back as well and very much enjoyed the Monroe Gallery
> as well. Also made the obligatory pilgrimage to Photo-Eye gallery and
> bookstore on Garcia St.
> ernie
> On Apr 14, 2007, at 10:54 PM, Phil Swango wrote:

I met a guy from Sante Fe yesterday at the AIPAD show yesterday at The Park
Ave Armory on the East side of Manhattan NY.
I was going to go back today but we are having a minor hurricane. All day.
Not one let up. A Sante Fe gallery owner of Scheinbaum & Russek LTD.
.9 mi (about 3 minutes) from the La Fonda Hotel where most of us are
staying. So maybe I'll catch their act bring a few friends they offered to
drive me over but it looks like walking distance to me. Probably some left
over land mines from the Mexican American war.

The AIPAD show like Photokina but filled with Photos instead of Kinas.
Kinas might be Greek for "gadgets" from all I could tell I went to that one
too this year. 
The Photos price pointed at between 4 grand and 40 -
Grand. Each gallery, the top photo galleries in the world had a shot of
Marilyn Monroe in it. I spotted one or two galleries with no Marilyn.  Many
had some gold plated like images in it. Not gold toned. Shiny gold leaf.
Yellow. I didn't know about that.
Lots of real old stuff. But also supermodels. For 40,000 USD.
That's enough to get one to get out of bed in the morning.

Mark Rabiner
New York, NY

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