Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/10/14

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Subject: [Leica] EXIF Viewer
From: allen.graves at (Allen Graves)
Date: Sat Oct 14 15:05:27 2006
References: <>

Both are available as freeware

EXIF Viewer (for Mac)

and Opanda (for PC)

They can show all the EXIF data the camera manufacturer has chosen 
to embed in JPEG files, such as flash data, aperture, lens 
settings(such as actual aperure and focal length used on a variable 
aperture zoom), camera brand, model and serial number, etc. Other 
utilities such as Graphic Convertor can show it as well, but these 
are just quicker. Many other photo editing programs can show most, 
but often not all of the data.

You can try them out on any JPEG file that has not had its EXIF data 
stripped off- even something downloaded off the internet.


>          Allen
>               Your note piqued my interest - please tell us more 
>about this utility
>               Thank you
>                Joseph Low
>-----Original Message-----
>[]On Behalf 
>Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 10:17 PM
>To: Leica Users Group
>Subject: RE: [Leica] LHSA meeting in Wetzlar; Leica Camera AG
>Entering the lens data manually is certainly possible as I do this 
>regularly on my Nikon D200. I don't think that the camera does 
>anything with the info, though, except enter it into the EXIF data 
>and probably use it in the metering programs.All that is entered is 
>the focal length and maximum aperture of the lens, and that value is 
>then stored for future use. You can have up to 4 different  lens 
>max. apertures for the same focal length using custom menus.
>I see no reason that Leica could not have stored a list of the 
>lenses supported by in-camera processing in a menu for easy 
>selection, though lens "upgrading" probably does supply a small but 
>significant (to Leica) revenue stream.
>As an aside, it is pretty amazing to use an EXIF viewer (like Opanda 
>for the PC or EXIF Viewer for the Mac) to look at all the data that 
>is recorded for each shot taken with a camera- there is far more 
>recorded than you see with most image viewers. I just learned that 
>the total number of photos taken with the camera is recorded in the 
>jpeg files, along with a lot of other esoteric, equally useless 
>trivia, though it might be useful if you were buying a used camera.
>---- Frank Filippone <> wrote:
>>  Is the cell you refer to the little dot just above the red Leica dot ?
>>  It is hard to see on a black camera, but sticks out nicely on a 
>>Chrome one....
>>  It appears funny to me that the data is put in the EXIF field if 
>>the lens is coded, but not possible to manually enter into the
>>  camera for the same purpose.  With all the digital doo jiggeys 
>>available, it would seem trivial to figure out some combination of
>>  button pushes and knob turns to make this a reality for all of us 
>>"Classic" lens owners......
>>  I point out again, that the reason ( or justification) of why you 
>>want this feature is a long photo shoot where there is no way you
>>  will remember which lens was on the camera for each shot... IF the 
>>data actually does anything to the image ( in the camera or in
>>  the computer)
>>  Actually looks like a throw back to metering cells before through 
>>the lens metering.....  Retro M8 anyone?
>>  Frank Filippone
>>  AFAIK, the aperture data is an approximation coming front the little
>>  cell on the front, but used only if the lens is coded.
>>  Lucien
>>  _______________________________________________
>>  Leica Users Group.
>>  See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information
>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information

Replies: Reply from images at InfoAve.Net (Tina Manley) ([Leica] EXIF Viewer)
In reply to: Message from joelct at (Joseph Low) ([Leica] EXIF Viewer)