Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/07/24

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Subject: [Leica] RE: Re: RE: Don's PAW 28 or so,
From: hoppyman at (G Hopkinson)
Date: Mon Jul 24 00:19:38 2006

Don, I hear you regarding the basic reticence to photograph strangers in
However, someone spotting you photographing a backside might be a whole new
Was that Graham (geebee) who was given the exercise by KC?
Doesn't he only do stylish landscapes with clouds these days??? Was that
after the contact counseling by an agro bystander ;-)
And if it was advice from KC; does it start off, first find a levitating
Goth?? ;-)

You've set me a mission now to trawl my archives for a suitable street photo
to post (not many in my files!).

btw, no fear in Aussie vernacular can be interpreted as not bl**dy likely!

Message: 6
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 21:04:57 -0400
From: "Don Dory" <>
Subject: Re: [Leica] RE: Don's PAW 28 or so,    minor amusements at lunch
        (Don Dory)
To: "Leica Users Group" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Really, there is no bravery to it.  You see, set it up, take a couple of
frames and move on.  Typically takes less than thirty seconds from first
seeing.  Most people are not that aware of what is going on around them and
if you act like you belong there then you belong there.

Graham needs to relate to you a project that Kyle assigned him to get him
over his shyness in taking pictures of people.

No fear.


On 7/23/06, G Hopkinson <> wrote:
> Don these are fine images, showing a great eye.
> I especially like the colour and composition in the first (of course).
> The third is great too, but I hope you had your running shoes on when
> taking
> that one. "honestly, officer, I was just photographing her butt to post on
> the internet.... ummm I mean, you see there's this group of us that share
> artistic pictures on-line, ummm where are you taking me!?!" ;-)
> Cheers
> Not nearly so fearless
> Hoppy
> -----Original Message-----
> ------------------------------
> Message: 22
> Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 12:13:27 -0400
> From: "Don Dory" <>
> Subject: [Leica] Don's PAW 28 or so, minor amusements at lunch
> To: "Leica Users Group" <>
> Message-ID:
>        <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> My daughter is at home this summer so I took her out to lunch as she tried
> to convince me to adopt a cat.  While at lunch the light on our table was
> quite nice so I amused myself while waiting for the food to arrive.
> A little more of the same slightly different composition.
> Much to my daughters mortification, I saw the next image so go up from my
> table, moved in range and took a few frames of this backside:
> Don
> ------------------------------