Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/05/27

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Subject: [Leica] amber boston rounds
From: joecodi at (Joseph Codispoti)
Date: Sat May 27 11:00:12 2006

The best bottles, standard in the chemical industry, are made of Nalgene.
The caps are self-sealing, that is, the caps have a "lip" that presses
against and around the bottle opening rim. They are expensive but are the



-----Original Message-----
Subject: [Leica] amber boston rounds

The cap may be the down-side. Out of about 20 different possible choices
available at other suppliers, the ones that come with these bottles may not
provide the optimal seal, but you avoid the "small quanitity" charges that
come with having to buy caps separately.

Now, to make that last unopened bottle of Rodinal truely immortal.

Leica Users Group.
See for more information

Replies: Reply from images at InfoAve.Net (Tina Manley) ([Leica] amber boston rounds)
In reply to: Message from Harvey.Arche at (Arche, Harvey) ([Leica] amber boston rounds)