Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/05/02

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Subject: [Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras
From: tedgrant at (Ted Grant)
Date: Tue May 2 07:42:50 2006
References: <> <> <> <000901c66d5c$6b694e00$73b56c18@ted> <>

Howdy crew,

I found most of these "facts with Leica cameras interesting" believing I was 
the only screw-up in doing many of them. ;-). :-) Knowing I have company 
they've alleviated my nightmares in the errors of my ways during many years 
shooting with Leica's of all sorts.

I no longer feel alone reading "unfortunate situations" of many others 
engaged in similar mental lapses. ;-) Therefore I look forward to having a 
pleasant day of relaxation in good company while fondling my M7 & Noctilux 
with no fear. :-)

It appears I've almost engaged in every failure mentioned, some on more than 
one occasion. (loading invisible film topping them all.) ;-)

Those of you who've not yet experienced the adventure of shooting your best 
pictures on invisible film, do not despair. Nor become smug believing your 
infallible at loading to ever have it happen.Take note: YOUR TIME JUST 
HASN'T COME YET!";-)  Trust me it will. And please don't say, "It'll never 
happen to me!" Because if you do, it means you've just unlocked the door for 
the adventure of "invisible film" to occur! :-)


In reply to: Message from roy at (Roy Feldman) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)
Message from philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)
Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)
Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)