Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/04/30

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Subject: [Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras
From: philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent)
Date: Sun Apr 30 12:18:10 2006
References: <>

FACT: the most superb photo opportunities only happen when changing  
RESULT: the 2 bodies on one belly syndrome
RELATED: the description 'good user' indicates that the camera has  
been banged around and that the RF should be recalibrated.

Op 30-apr-06, om 20:30 heeft Roy Feldman het volgende geschreven:

> After 25 years of being a professional photographer I feel the need to
> state some facts regarding cameras, Leica in particular. Please feel
> free to add to this list so as to help those with less experience.
> FACT: All cameras slither: a.) when placed in the middle of a table
> all cameras will eventually make their way to the edge. b.) all camera
> straps will dangle off the edge even if first placed in the middle.
> RESULT: anyone or animal within 10 meters of the camera will be lured
> to the camera and snag the camera strap sending it crashing  to the
> ground.
> RELATED: All cameras will jump off automobile seats no matter how
> gently you stop.
> FACT: The only safe place to store a lens cap is a front trouser
> pocket,in any other spot it will be consumed by strange forces.
> RESULT: A painstaking Internet search to find a used version, since a
> new one is one hour through rush hour away and forty dollars. After
> finding and charging it on line you are called by your Charge card
> company asking you if you bought 4 Plasma televisions for someone in
> the Ukraine?
> RELATED: After driving one hour through rush hour to buy a forty
> dollar cap upon returning your wife says: "Oh I found one of those the
> other day, is it important?
> FACT: Leica embeds a, occasionally visible, thumb print on the front
> of every viewfinder. No matter how careful you are when loading film,
> handling your camera and putting it in the bag this thumb print will
> appear squarely centered in the middle of your viewfinder.
> RELATED: It will disappear only briefly after cleaning.
> FACT: You are always ready if the next Pulitzer prize winning photo
> knocks at your door, your camera is loaded.
> RELATED:But with what? Nagging doubts (did I set the ISO?) causes you
> to rewind (oops...too far) and have to try and find the film puller
> thing (see lens story cap above).
> FACT: The battery cover on my M7 can be dislodged by a strong sneeze
> causing me to put tape on it to secure it.
> RELATED: The battery cover on my $7.00  Crest Spin Brush toothbrush
> needs Vise Grips and a degree in friction coefficients to dislodge.
> FACT: All camera bags are either too big or too small.
> --
> Roy Feldman
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)
In reply to: Message from roy at (Roy Feldman) ([Leica] Known facts concerning Leica Cameras)