Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/06

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Subject: [Leica] fourthirds news from Leica
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Mon Mar 6 12:58:48 2006

On 3/6/06 3:49 PM, "Aram Langhans#2" <> wrote:

> I am late to this discussion.
> 1.  Can I assume you are talking about newly designed/licensed/built
> Leica lenses and NOT Existing R lenses? -
Yes. One new Leica lens.
> 2.  Can R lenses be adapted to fit this new camera/standard?
Probably in the same way they can be used with adaptors on other digis.
> 3.  If so, can I assume they will function in the same manner as a Leica
> R lens on a Canon digital?  (stop-down metering).
> 4. Sounds like the imaage stabilization is built into the lens rather
> than the body.  Is this correct about the Panasonic/Leica DSLR's?  And
> does Olympus have this feature?
No, it doesn't. IS is built into the lens. Olympus has a very similar lens -
14-54, 2.8-3.5, without IS. It is a top quality lens and sells for under
> Aram
>  Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 13:13:54 -0500
>> From: "B. D. Colen" <>
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] fourthirds news from Leica
>> To: Leica Users Group <>
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
>> Leave it to the marketing morons at Leica to fail to point out that
>> their
>> lens can be used on not one, but FOUR Olympus DSLR bodies. But hey, why
>> would they want to sell more lenses? Let's maintain the exclusivity
>> until we
>> go out of business, right? :-)
>> On 3/6/06 12:42 PM, "bruce" <> wrote:
>>> If you have not received the confirmation, please view:
>>> B.
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In reply to: Message from dnaplasmid at (Aram Langhans#2) ([Leica] fourthirds news from Leica)