Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/03/06

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Subject: [Leica] fourthirds news from Leica
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Mon Mar 6 12:41:23 2006

On 3/6/06 3:38 PM, "bruce" <> wrote:

> So, that is what the Leica/Panasonic consortium is adding above the
> Olympus lenses.
> B.
> On 6-mrt-2006, at 20:41, Lucien wrote:
>> Bruce,
>> Yes, and ??
>> Lucien
>> bruce wrote :
>>> Lucien, it's built into the lens.
>>> Pleas read the fourth paragraph of the URL for detail.
>>> B.
>>> On 6-mrt-2006, at 19:30, Lucien vD wrote:
>>>> Adam,
>>>> What about the "optical image stabilization system" included in
>>>> the new LEICA D VARIO-ELMARIT 14-50mm/F2.8-3.5 ASPH. ?
>>>> Is it 100 % compatible ?
>>>> Lucien
>>>> Le 6 mars 2006 ? 19:23, Adam Bridge a ?crit :
>>>>> Isn't the four-thirds spec designed to ensure that lenses can move
>>>>> from one format to the other? That's sort of the whole point to the
>>>>> exercise.
>>>>> On the other hand it's silly to criticize the marketing speak of
>>>>> Leica
>>>>> for mentioning only their partner Panasonic. This isn't journalism,
>>>>> it's marketing. Sheesh.
>>>>> Adam
>>>>> On 3/6/06, Lucien vD <> wrote:
>>>>>> B.D.,
>>>>>> Are sure it's 100 % compatible with the 4 Olympus DSLR ?
>>>>>> Lucien
>>>>>> B. D. Colen wrote :
>>>>>>> Leave it to the marketing morons at Leica to fail to point out
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>> lens can be used on not one, but FOUR Olympus DSLR bodies. But
>>>>>>> hey,
>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>> would they want to sell more lenses? Let's maintain the
>>>>>>> exclusivity
>>>>>>> until we
>>>>>>> go out of business, right? :-)
>>>>>>> On 3/6/06 12:42 PM, "bruce" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> If you have not received the confirmation, please view:
>>>>>>>> index_e.html
>>>>>>>> B.
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In reply to: Message from bruce at (bruce) ([Leica] fourthirds news from Leica)