Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/02

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Nuclear power (was RE: LUG Digest, Vol 31, Issue 221)
From: jblack at (John Black)
Date: Thu Feb 2 09:49:01 2006
References: <> <>

> Some of the past and present solutions to this waste seem inadequate
> and short sighted.
> Others are more credible, but considering the consequences of mistakes,
> I remain skeptical
> and would prefer development of other options.

What ever happened to the process of burning the waste in a plasma furnace
that converts it to harmless byproducts? As I understand it, plasma
temperatures completely disrupt the atomic structure of the radioactive
waste (or anything for that matter) into a high energy soup of subatomic
particles which, when cooled, revert to more harmless substances.  I know it
take a lot of temperature to run a plasma furnace but the bulk of the waste
is not that great.

Perhaps I misunderstood the process.

JB (who lives downwind of Oak Ridge)

Replies: Reply from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] Re: Nuclear power (was RE: LUG Digest, Vol 31, Issue 221))
In reply to: Message from bruent at (Bruce) ([Leica] Re: Nuclear power (was RE: LUG Digest, Vol 31, Issue 221))